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<br />.... <br /> <br />.EST FOR CO~CIL~ <br /> <br />Ot.TE <br /> <br />6/11/84 <br /> <br />AGENDA SECTION lOR'GI"IATlNG OEPT /C4V <br /> <br />Hearings I Admini'ltration <br /> <br />ITEM NO ITEM CE:SCRIPTION WIlham Joncst request for rezonIng and <br />B-1 special use permit for ?UD :>t 2551 Lexlllgton. <br /> <br />OEPT t*" AD APPROVAl. <br /> <br /> <br />t~O/RECOMMfNOS <br />) <br />;.( <br /> <br /> <br />1he PlannIng CommiSSIon. at Its June 6. 1984 meetIng. unanIcously recommended <br />approvdl ot WIllIam Jones' request for reLonlng from R-I to R-2 and special <br />use peIllllt for pun at 2551 leXIngton. with the followIng condlt'\Ons: <br /> <br />1) The Pla:Jned Una Development shall be CO,lstrocted In accordance ~ilth plans <br />dated 5/20/84. <br /> <br />2) DedIcatIon of cuI-dc-sac llS indicated on plans by deed prlor to issuance of <br />peml ts. <br /> <br />3) ApplIcant agrees to construct a teL~orary drIveway at his own expense WIthIn <br />the public right-of-war as tndIcated on the plan. <br /> <br />4) Appllcap~ shall recelve no ~ompensatlon for construction of such driv~way. <br /> <br />5) Appl1cant shall o;hare In the cost of any future street constructlon WIthin <br />the publIC rlght-of-way in accorda~ce hlth normal City assessment policy, <br />without compensation for constructIon of a private ufIveway. <br /> <br />6) EngIneerIng detaIL tor utllltIOS and eradIng s~all b~ subJ~ct to engineerIng <br />~taff approval. Th~ wat~r supply shall be pro~lded by a publIC water line <br />extension to Dunlap Street. TIle applIcant must petItIon for the ~~ter servl~e <br />improvement. <br /> <br />7) FInal landscape plans shall be SllO)ect to staff reVIew WIt' I~stallatlon to be <br />cOI~t:le..e pnor to the Clccupancy peront. <br /> <br />8) The pnvate dnvc shall M constructed to CIty standards with concrete curb <br />and gut\er. and all drIve surfaces shall be curbed and guttered. <br /> <br />9) Extollor bUIldIng materuls shall be subject to City staff lc"iew. <br /> <br />Attached IS the Planner's roport. <br /> <br />COunCI~ ActIon Requested. 'lotlon approVIng/denYIng ~Illlam Jnnes' request for <br />rezonIng from R-l to R-2 and special use permJt for <br />PUD at 2551 LeXIngton. 'nth conditIons (if deSIred). <br />