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<br />, <br /> <br />\~ - <br />!g}c <br />Dsevi <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />2660 CIVIC CHHE~ ORIV. <br /> <br />TElEPHONE U4-3311 <br /> <br />lie <br /> <br />.W'INCSO TA 55 f I <br /> <br />July 26, 1984 <br /> <br />Wilham Jones <br />1349 Midway Parkway <br />St. PaUl" ~IN 55108 <br /> <br />Dear ~Ir. Jones' <br /> <br />The Clty Councll, at Its July 23rd meet lag, approved your request <br />for re:onlng from R-l to R-2 and Speclal use permit fOl P.U.D. at <br />2551 Lexlngton wlth the followlng condItIons: <br /> <br />1) The Planned lli\lt Development shall be constructed In accordance <br />wlth plan:; dated 5/20/84 except that the bUIldings are to be <br />moved 10 feet to the south and d prIvate drIve 1S to be construc- <br />ted 5 feet from the north property lIne. <br /> <br />2) Dedlcatlon of cul-de-sac as Indlcated on plans by deed prIor to <br />Issuance of permlts. <br /> <br />3) Appllcant agrees to construct a prIvate drIveway at hlS own <br />expense on the owner's property. <br /> <br />4) EngIneerIng detaIl for utllltles and gradIng sha11 be subJect (0 <br />englneerlng staff approval. TIle water supply srall be provlded <br />by a publIC water Iln~ extenslon to Dunlap Strect. The applIcant <br />must petItlon for thp .ater serVIce Improvement. <br /> <br />S) Flnal landscape plans shall be subJcct to staff reVlew WIth Instal- <br />latlon to ~e complete prlor to tne occupancy permJt. <br /> <br />6) The prlvate drIve shall be constructed to the CIty standards. <br /> <br />7) Exterlor bUlldlng mate~lals shall be subject to Clty staff reVlew. <br /> <br />The specIal use pcrm't wlll explre 6 months after the date of approval <br />unless you have obtaIned a bUlldlng perMIt and beglm the constructlon. <br />Please see Gordy Beseth In our Code enforcement Department regardIng <br />the bUlldlng permIt. <br /> <br />If you have quc::otlons concernlng the CounCIl's actlon, please contact me. <br /> <br /> <br />~'l~ <br /> <br />Ron ~loorse <br />Admlnlstratlve ASSIstant <br /> <br />rJl1110 <br /> <br />L/I('C' <br />I~ <br />