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<br />RAJEST FOR COUNCIL ~ <br /> <br />... DATE 7/23/84 <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />AGENDA SECTION <br />Ilea rings <br /> <br />ORIGINATING OEPT ION <br />Administratlon <br /> <br />OEPT HEAD APPROVA~ <br />A.~ <br /> <br />ITEM NO <br />B-1 <br /> <br />ITEM DESCRIPTION ihll1aJ:l Jones t request for rezonIng di~:! <br />specIal use permIt for PL~ at 2551 LeXIngton. <br /> <br />M~WEO/RECOMMENOS <br /> <br /> <br />V <br /> <br />The PlannIng CommISSIon. at lts June 6. 1984 ~ectlng, unanlmou~ly recommended approval <br />of William Jones' request for rezonIng fro~ R-l to R-2 dnd specIal use permIt for PUD <br />:It 2551 Leungton, WIth the fOllowIng condItions: <br /> <br />1) The Planned UnIt Development shall be constructed 1;1 ac\:ordance WIth plans dated <br />5/20/84. <br /> <br />2) DedIcatIon of cul-de-sac as IndI~ated on plans by 1eed prIor to issuance of permIts. <br /> <br />3) ApplIcant agrecs to construct a temporary drIveway at nlS own expense WIthIn the <br />publIC right-of-way as indIcat~d on the plan. <br /> <br />4) ApplIcant sh~ll receIve no cOMpensatIon for constructIon of such drIveway. <br /> <br />5) Appllcant shall share l~ the cost of any future street constructIon WIthIn the <br />pubhc TIght-of-way If aCCOt lance "ah normal City assesswent pOhey. WIthout <br />compensatIon for construction of a ~rl~Btc drIveway. <br /> <br />6) EngIneering detaIl for utI Hues and g:admg shall I.;; o>uuJect to engineenng staff <br />approval. Thc water supply sh~ll be prOVIded by a publIL wdter lIne extenSIon to <br />Dunlap Street. The applIcant ~ust petlt~on for the water serv~ce ~mprovement. <br /> <br />7) FInal landscape plans shall be ~ubJect to staff reVIew WIth Instdllatlon to be <br />complete prIor to the occupancy perllllt. <br /> <br />8) The prIvate drIve shall be constructed to CIty standards WIth concrete curb and <br />gutter~ and all drive surfaces sh?ll be curbed and guttered. <br /> <br />9) ExterIor bUIldIng materIals shall be subject to CIty staff review. <br /> <br />The Councll referred the applIcation had to the PlannIng CO=Isslon for reVIew of the <br />Issue of a private vs. publIC roadway to serve the development. <br /> <br />The Planning COJllll\ISSlon. at lts July 11th meeting, unanimously recollUllended that the <br />developmcnt be served bl a publIC stn;et to be constructeu acconhng to Howard Dahlgren IS <br />draw~ng of the potentIal ClrCUldtlon of the area, mId that the TraIler Park assessment <br />for the public ~~rcet be deferred. <br /> <br />Attached IS the Planner's report. <br /> <br />COndltlOns 3.4.5, add 8 above pertaIn to the private duve altematlve. If the CounCIl <br />JeCldes the roaJw3) should be a publIc street. those condIt iOns would not be approprlate. <br /> <br />COU~CIL ;:'!::TTO~ RE ~UESTCD. ~lotlOn appro\'lng/JcnYlng I'hlham Jones' request for rezonIng <br />frOM R.l to R-2 and spec~al use permIt for P.U.O. at 2551 <br />Lt>nngton. WIth condltlOns, If desired. <br />