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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br />Plann1ng Offlce Hours <br />May 6" 1987 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Mr. Dunwcll noted that School D~strict 916 proposes to use <br />the s~te for the 1987-88 ac~demtc year for speclal education <br />as they do now. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />!-..!ng, 484-2222 <br />Davld Llng 1S wlth Ed1na Rcalty, and was in to discuss <br />posslblc 10cat1ons for a new bank buildlng in Rosev1lle. We <br />looked at a number of posslbllltle~ where the land use and <br />access condltlons may be approprlatc for thls USP. He aave <br />no indlcation as to the name of ~he bank~ or more specific <br />crlter1a. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />Ohmstad, 605-332-1399 <br />Gary Ohmstad, AlA, 15 an archltect w~th Archltectural Deslgn <br />and Development Company out of SlOUX Falls, South Dakota. He <br />is a new archltect hlred by Gary Tharaldson who was also <br />present, who lS the devcloper of the proposed Helitage Ian <br />f~Cllity at the southwest corner of County Road C and Long <br />Lake Road. Also present was Harry Fleber, Mr. Tharaldson's <br />managcr of hlS Super 8 Hotel ln Burnsvllle. <br /> <br />Mr. Ohmstad n~tcd and present~d a prcllmlnarl site plan <br />lndicatlng thelr intent to develop more lntensive uses on <br />their slte to include a restaurant, with the approved Slxty- <br />nine unlt motel. The plan lndicated thi~ might well be <br />feaslble, keeplng the bUlldlngs wltnin the bUllding envelope <br />created by the several easements that pass through the prop- <br />erty. The motel would be constructed furthcr to the west <br />with the restaurant further to the south wlth the rE::staurant <br />attached or very close to thc motel to the north. He indi- <br />cated a choice of one of flve restaurants includlng Perkins, <br />Embers, Denny's, Country Kitchen, and Shoney's. The latter <br />is a restaurant chaln more popular 1n the South. <br /> <br />I noted that any change ln the slte pl~n would have to bc <br />processed through the Plannlng CommlSSlon and Council under <br />the Speclal Use provlsions of the B-4 zone. We encouraged <br />them to have a speclflC restaurant proposal when making the <br />apphcation. <br /> <br />We expressed our concern regardlng thc market fo~ a <br />restau=ant, though the 11lt1matE:: fllling of the Roseville <br />corporate Center buildlngs, completion of a Comfort Inn Motel <br />(120 rooms), and a Heritage Inn wlll have an effect on ~he <br />market 1n the area. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />Schaar 639-0380 <br />Lew Schaar 1S the proposed llcen5ee for <br />devcl~pment OP Rlce Street. He w~s In <br />Council's rcqu~rements wlth respect to the <br />curblng and fenc1ng on the propelty. <br /> <br />the Pool <br />to rov~ew <br />development <br /> <br />Hall <br />the <br />of <br />