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<br />", <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />e <br />Plann~ng Offlce P.ours <br />May 6, 1987 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />Mr. Jan~sch revlcwed the proposed temporary structure, and <br />d~scussed the need for meetlng the State bUlldlng' code <br />reqUlrements. <br /> <br />Holmes Freight has now reached an ~greement to lease office <br />space ~ns~de of the bUlldlngj thHs~ the temporary bu~ld~ng <br />is not need~d. ' <br /> <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />8. Kentucky Fr~ed Chicken <br />El1.11 Saunders, the proposed developer of a Kentucky Fried <br />Chlcken Sltc north of McDonald's, was 1n h1S arch1.tect <br />to revl.CW the1.r proposed development. Although they had <br />spoken earller of changing the wood shlngled roof design to <br />metal r~D, they noted now that they are propos~ng to <br />build lt w~th the shingles as orl.g~nally apPloved hy the <br />Counc1l. <br /> <br />They propose ~o move the trash conta1ner closer from near thc <br />center of the property to the west edge. I suggested that <br />thlS lS approprlate~ and wlll be less conspicuous than the <br />previous locatlon. <br /> <br />Thcy propose also to extend a cooler from the west end of the <br />bUlld~ng. I noted that thlS could not be done unless it were <br />enclosed within the structure, to be built ln exact confor- <br />mance with the struC'c.ure and bUllding materlals orl',1l.nally <br />approved. They agreed then to extend the bu~lding slightly <br />to the west, and enclose the cooler, WhlCh will not be <br />exposed to the exterlor. Ttis extenslon w~ll be done w~th <br />the same br1ck walls as the structurc or~glnally approved. <br /> <br />9. <br /> <br />Sclden 484-2698 <br />Guy Selden l1.ves at 2374 Nancy Place, and was 1n with his <br />contlguous neighbors, John and JaCkle Hochschieldt, who Ilve <br />at 2380 Nancy Place. These folks have garages that ar~ <br />approx1mately eight feet apart, and have a )Olnt drl.v~way. <br />The Clty is rebu1ldlng the street ln front, and there 1S a <br />problem w1th the w1dth of the Joint dr~veway~ which is <br />t~~nty-three fect wide. The City's maxlmum is twenty-two <br />feet w.lde. <br /> <br />One ~pt1.on would be to put l.n a dlvlder b~~wecn the two <br />drl.veways. However, if th1.S lS four or flve feet wide each <br />of the drlveways w1.ll get pretty narrow. I suggested that <br />the drlveways be reduced s~x inches on each slde to produce a <br />twenty-two foot wldth for thelr Joint use, conforming to the <br />C1.ty's maximum for a single dr~veway. I suggested that they <br />apply for a mlnor varlance to allow the drlveways to be in <br />jOlnt use contlguous to the common property llne. <br /> <br />Mr. Janlsch 1ndlcated the procedures and requlrements for <br />approvals. They propose then to a~ply for a mlnor var~ance <br />on this basls, Wh1Ch seems to be . raasonable Solut1on to the <br />problcm. ' <br />