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<br />~ ...~ <br />~ .. <br />~ I <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CASE: <br />A 1'?UCANT: <br /> <br />359-66 <br /> <br />t::10$term::"l Reah}' Company <br />0.121 f.reel$io. alv&. <br /> <br />5!. !.=.:::. ?:..~ <br /> <br />lOCATION: <br /> <br />Soufueest ~r of HiglM:zy 36 at Cleve!.and AW:t'lJO <br /> <br />AtnON REQtJ:STEO: Femntng (lOt., "R_1U to IlR-3A" 0I'Id Appc'ova! cf Fio,,~ t>evetopmeat <br /> <br />Pl.ANN1NG cONStDERATIONS: <br /> <br />1. The ~ty in q,n)$tiCn C:ei'$is~ of 405.600 ~ fl}Ot Qr approximrot-j 0.3 cs=.~, >>::ared <br />250 met north of Ccwnty Roca 8 (l$ ~:1 in !re $!tater: ci the left. The OWlicent pro~ <br />lei CCC1StNC1 $i:K opa...."1Mntbulldir\d$ of 24 units eoeh er:o 2e tewnho-oho Imil's as ~ ?k:nned ~nit <br />dwe~t. ~ ~t structures are ?f"}:JIOSed 10 be threo-stcnes i"l helghtwith pI.Irtt~Hy <br />expoi&d oo:l&rslOYld par.c~ng 9~~ in CIOC.'; building c!:)\--rlIr.g 0:",- P;::ki:"o;1 sp'Xc ~r crrl':nent <br />'"'It. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />The 240000it !xIitdings wm h:rm c fobl of 108 om-bedroc:n Qi':l1tmellts and 36 tv:O~I'O':m <br />~n'" pt~ thel'O' Is a Ukotib::ood It.sre wilt be ..~ry bv s:hcol ~e d.ildrcn in !M <br />~~.t unHs. in CC(.Clc/ with the new .R....1AQ Z<'ne the lOS one-be<!tcOm unit; <br />would require 1133,600:; ~t of p1Op3rty. ~ 36 iWO~;oo:n uni~ W(lUIC n!<lt:ire- <br />90,000 sq.xmt rl')Ot~ 1lN 28 mn.~ lmils If figured ot 2000 squ.:lro roat per unIt .,,~uld <br />requIre 78,400 squa.-e f~l. Acconfing tQ ihese figur3S t!lG toto I ~ired lend Ol'QG w~1d <br />be 352,000 square feet. <br /> <br />3. Altflough the =~l kmd carco is 4!lS.600 ~i6 foel tl-tM8 is '" p~d dedication of u r:ght"Of""A'oy <br />For. easf-"\>IQt ,,!roet tnfO'.Ign the property whit:h wculd require 30,000 ~ro feet of land. <br />11M. ~1$ clet QteQ fOr w'IOlcpment purposes is 315,600:quaro foot. Th,ss, th'& do\"'!lo~t OS <br />~ ~ Q ~ng'a -R-3A. Dlmkl YlcuM mve 1.3,000 ~ fe'~t of lond (l~ for ({erasity <br />~. The vn~ 51efT pononnel havt' mol- wt:h t:-.c deva~rs on sew,ul OCCO$tOIlS to <br />dftaAt the devetop'M:nt ~l. Wa i-ave !troogfy $'.liSt:$~ on rc~ted occasions that it is <br />aMntiai to ccmiJe( ihc deve!opnent in telm$ 4)f f'I'ltl::.l:rAJrn queH'Y tec~.1SC' of tOO ,mltegic location <br />.r Ih.;xoperty and oxb'~ns ~'opn;ents irt the Immediate a.-eo. This i:; c: very tl'l'}X'rtc:nt ospect <br />~ CGfe should be t:tken at the h<>aring ~ ct',esttcn the -:rppticant ...,ttl~ resr>ect' to quc:dily of the <br />bulldtnss, ~tOl(jl'[lC'to !;O$t, (K"Uq nith r~t ~ tenants, and ~"M of 6e ~toHs cf the build~ <br />e;nd gtotJrl(\s 1n terr::s of materials ~tc. <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />e <br />l~ <br /> <br />4. One of the. po!J\ts of dh:1JIS$lon with fGspcct ~ t~ p:ctJOSol b that or mn heMUng of traffic <br />In c:snd out of the stith 1M pro,:erly is n:)'H fef,,-ed by a S(,:".ice roa& :O'l$~ted by ,he iijs~ <br />Ot9attmcnt:.s part of tto ~ dcvel~~nl preg~. fn!i sowie,} ooa~ rlC!> an 0fl~6 <br />\"&ty c1~ lO the dcl1S'~ g'"Cldo CJl)SSing of County Road a ond Cle..-c!ar.d Aveooe. We ha\.-e <br />~ tlth ~'em "Ni~ ttw Oa'M!opeB and reprttstni'ativcs of en.:' Coonty and Ihe Stc:.!\! suggesti~ <br />thcit the I$rviu to<W ~ mom e:sterly ai' its int\1lUclton with COUIlIy Roud 8. We un:.b.,t=nd <br />that d-.e CWnff or ~ ~ in qv~tion (250 north of CO,tnty Rood 8) is .....ilUng ro dcdieoJte <br />the ftec~ fi9~toe:;)r...'IC!)' cr.d that the u~tleQl'l~ '$ willing to cOMlnlct tth'l $Crvic~ ~ $0 as t? <br /> <br />