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<br />March 3. 1976 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />958-76 <br /> <br />LOCATION: <br /> <br />Irv ~~rgol1s, 1171 W. Llrpenteur Ave. <br />Rosevlll e, t-lll <br /> <br />Behind (north of) Rosev1lle Shopp1ng <br />Centc.. a t La rpenteur and Lexl ngton <br />Ave~ues. (see sketch) <br /> <br />Appro/a1 of Planned Unlt Development <br /> <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />PLANNING CONSI~ERATIONS: <br /> <br />1. About a year ago Mr. Margolls received a temporjry permit for the <br />construction of a 3,750 square foot temporary bUlldlng for a garden <br />center behlnd the Rosev1lle ShoPP1ng Center. Slnce that tIme, he has <br />operated his nursery bUS1ness from that locatlon. He now proposed to <br />make this a permanent lucatlon <<nd add to the structure a 24 x 60 foot <br />greenhouse sales bUlldlng. Mr. Margolis therefore, seeks a per.nanent <br />permlt for the existlng bUlldlng and further development of the site <br />into a garden center under the provlSlons of a commerclal planned <br />unlt development described in the ordinance. <br /> <br />2. A detai12d Slte plan has been prepared at large scale which will ~e <br />presented at the Planning C~mmlssion and Counell hearing. A CODY of <br />a portion of the slte plan 1nd1cat1ng the proposed structures 1n the <br />relat10nshlp to the Rosev111e Shopping Center lmme~lately to the south <br />is attached for your reference. <br /> <br />3. M~. ~~rgolls accompanles h1S appl1cat10n w1th a letter explainlng his <br />proposal as follows: <br /> <br />"The purpose of this letter 1S two-fold. Fust, we hereby apply <br />for approval of a development plan for a specl~l use permit for <br />a planned un1t developrrent 1n a commercial d1stri~t. Specifically, <br />we are requesting approval for the permanent use of our retail <br />sales facility at 1171 West Larpenteur Avenue. Second, we <br />respectfully request that the City Council grant uS an indefinate <br />extens10n of our perm1t for the construct1on of a temporary <br />bUllding at 1171 West Larpenteur untll our appllcat10n for the <br />spec1al use permit 1S resolved. The current perm1t explres <br />Marc:' 1. 1976. <br /> <br />The speclflc purpose of our application IS to change the c1asslficatlon <br />of our p~csent sales faCIlIty from temoorary to pernanent. In <br />thlS regard, I belleve the Councll should be advised of the bac~- <br />9round of this matter. My famIly has operated its businpss in <br />this area for many years. In 1974, the slte of our prevlou~ <br />garden center at 1685 North Lexir,gton, was sold to Mwnesota <br />Federal Sav1ngs and Loan ASSOClatlon for construction of a sav1ngs <br />and loan faciilty. As a result of the sale, W~ needed a tc~porary <br />51tl for our ~ardcn center 1n order to remain 10 business until <br />