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<br />Case Number: 958.76 <br />March 3. 1976 <br /> <br />Page Two <br /> <br />permanent plans were developed. The retall season was fast <br />approachlng and 1t was mandatory to secure a sales facll1ty. As <br />a result. we secured a perm1t to construct a temporary bU1lding <br />which was built on property owned by lexlngtoll Holdl0g Company <br />on the west end of Rosevllle Center. Although it was our <br />1 ntentl on to use this bull dl ng temporar1ly unti 1 permanent <br />fac1lit1es could be bU1lt on our land at 295 West larpenteur, the <br />buIlding was constructed as a permanent fac1lity 1n the event <br />problems surrounding the proposed developrnent site at 295 West <br />Larpenteur could not be resolved. <br /> <br />We subsequently applied for rezon1ng of our property at 295 West <br />Larpenteur Avenue so that permanent facilit1es could be con- <br />structed there. For various reasons~ the request was denied <br />and we were left w1th no alternative but to convert the temporary <br />sales facil1ty at 1171 West Larpenteur Avenue 1nto a permanent <br />retail sales facility. We propose to do th1S with the relatively <br />slmple add1tion of a greenhouse sales area on the east side of <br />the present building. Th1S additlon w1ll allow us to expand our <br />indoor sales area with1n our own property lines w1thout affecting <br />eXisting traff1c conditions. InSress and egress .0 Roseville <br />Center will rer~in as they currently eXist. as shown on the <br />slte plan. Parking fac1lities w1ll reMa:n as indicated on the <br />slte pldn. <br /> <br />In conclusiorlt ou" ~"llpany finds itself 1n a crit1cal sltuation. <br />whIch can be remedied only by approval of our application. We <br />will endeavor to answer any questions you have regardlng our <br />app1icat1on. " <br /> <br />4. In addltion~ the appl1cant notes in h1S application the following comments <br />on land use and traffic conditions: <br /> <br />"12. The proposed land use wl11 not be detrementai to the health, <br />safety, or welfare of occupants of surrounding lands. The area <br />is fenced on the norht and thus is s~eltered from residential <br />areas. The area to the west of the subject prem1ses 1S a commerclal <br />area composed of App1ebaum1s Food Market. Ro~eville 4 Theatre, <br />and Craft V1llage. The aforesaid businesses have been operating <br />the past year w1thout complicat1on to apphcants best 1nfonnat1on <br />and bel1ef. <br /> <br />13. The proposed land use w1ll not affect eX1st1ng traffic <br />patterns. The appllcant's business has been operat1ng on the <br />subject prem1ses the past ~wo year5 wlthout inCldent~ according <br />to appllcant's best lnforma\lOn and belief. There 15 ample <br />par~lng 1n the Hosev1lle Center together WIth park1ng on the <br />South J68 feet of the prcme~lS 1mw~dlately ~est of applic~nt's <br />b~siness. The central locatlOn of appl icant's bUSIness acoUl,ts <br />for the fact that appllcant's proposal wl11 not affect parklng <br />on adJacent streets." <br />