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<br />CASE NUMBER: 1250-~ <br />APPLICANT: Muelle~ies Funeral Home <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />2 April 1980 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />4. n~ site plan further ind1cates four s 19nif1cant Hems of change: <br /> <br />a. The construction of a driveway to the rear of the fonner church <br />building for the purpose Of providing an access to a scrvicp door. <br />This driveway will provide access for the hearse to the preparation <br />room which is required by law to be 1n each funeral home. The <br />Mueller-Bies people, however, indicate that they do not propose to <br />prepare bodies at this site. The structure would be used for the <br />conduct of funeral services. <br /> <br />b. Construction of a canopy to connect the existing canopy in the <br />front of the church to the church itself (Thl're is presently a <br />gap between the canopy and the existing church structurp.). <br /> <br />c. Construction of an additional eight parking spaces south of the <br />existing parking lot. <br /> <br />d. Installation of addltional planting (dark, shaded trees on site <br />pl~n) easterly and northerly of the developed portion of the <br />site. <br /> <br />5. The applicants have held a neighborhood meetlng w1th'contiguous residential <br />property owners, whom we understand are in favor of the co~versio' of the <br />Church to the funeral pa~lor use. As conveyed to us by t~e ~ppl !cants, <br />they like the idea of continued use of the structure for ft'nerdl services, <br />being similar to churCh services. rather than the possible conv~rsion of <br />the building to office use, or some other comm~rcial e~tlty. It should <br />be borne in mind. however, that rezoning of the land from R-I to B-1 <br />would allow the ultimate use of the land for office purposes. <br /> <br />6. The seating cap~city of the eXlsting Church is approximately 100 people. <br />It 1S anticipated that the capac1ty could be increased to perhap~ 125. <br />Therefore, the appl icallts have propo~ed to add the elqht parklng stalls <br />making a total of 42 spaces. This would theoretically allow for <br />accommodation of 126 seats. <br /> <br />7. The addition of the extended driveway, canopy, and landscaping we see as <br />positive lmprovements not ha~ing deleterious affects upon contiguous <br />prop~rty. The new parklng areas and driveways would be curbed and construct~d <br />with asphalt as required by City Ordinance. <br /> <br />S. W1th respect to the proposed vacatlon of the 25 foot rlght-of-way on the <br />eas~ side of the Church property, the Planninq COOlTl15S10n and Councl1 nlay <br />wish to consider the impact of that proposal. This 25 foot dedication was <br />originally accompliShed through the ins1stence of the Fabyanske's who cwn <br />the contiguous property to the east. The Fabyanske's were concerned about <br />the ultimate further subdivision of their property. Because the fabyanske <br />property is only 135 feet deep (ea5t-we~t) it was deC1ded at that time that <br />a 25 foot dedlcatfon would be appropr1ate and that the ultlmate full right.- <br />of-way w1dth woul r1 be 50 feet rather than 60. rJhen the Church was bui It, <br />this 25 foot dedication was offered by the Church 50 as to make sure that <br /> <br />