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<br />, .... ......... <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Planning CommissIon Minutes <br />February 1, 1984 <br />-5- <br /> <br />DISCIJSSION <br />-- <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina asked for a motion so discussion could occur on the question. <br /> <br />Mrs. Dressler indicated that for purposes of discussion she w~uld make the <br />fOllowing motion: <br /> <br />Dressler ~Iovcd. and Moeller Seconded. that no changes be made in the <br />existing ordinance as relating to houslng alternatives in the R-l <br />zoning district. <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina indicated he would oppose the llIotion. H6 felt the procedure for <br />rezoning froll R-l to R-2 is cumbersome. lie stated there is a need for more <br />accessory houslng in Roseville. He commented the minor varianco process has <br />worked well, and could be adapted to thiS new use. and provlde a smoother <br />process. The City ~oes not relinquish the final decision-making authority. <br />It is a way to provide lcw-cost housing and he felt the change was needed. <br /> <br />Mrs. Berry commented the average age of Rosoville residents was increasing. <br />and that 11 substantial number of residents were over S5 years old. She <br />stated Hr. Rukavina's eOllllllent! were very persuasive. and perhaps the <br />Innor Vl1rianee procedure should be explored further. <br /> <br />1011'S, Dressler commented she didnlt feel a 100' requuement for obtaining <br />property owner signatures was sufficient. She felt the impact of another <br />family in a house ln the neighborho,d could be great. and that the dlstancl) <br />requirIng slgnat~res should be =o~e. <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren CO:olllllented the 1001 mentioned was Just :1 suggestio.I, and that <br />another distance could be used. <br /> <br />Mr. ~~eller indIcated he hasn't been committed to one optIon or the other. <br />Be felt the ad:1ptauon of the minor vanance would streaml1ne the process. <br />He indlcated there probably are few lOts in th~ city that would be eligible <br />to add another unlt. <br /> <br />Mrs. Dressler and Mr. lbeller wltharew the motIon. <br /> <br />RECC\\c.IENDATIO'J <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson ~Ioved, and ~Irs. Dressl er Seconded. that the staff be instructed <br />to prepJre J suggested ordinance adaptIng the minor varIance procedure to the <br />accessory hou~lng questlon for presentatlon at the :larch 7th COlllllllsslon n:eetlng. <br />Roll C311, Ayes: Dressler. Johnson, ~Ioeller. WisH. Berry, and RukaVina. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />ADJOUR'\MENT <br /> <br />Mrs. Dressler ~Ioved. and Urs. Johnson Seconded. that the meeung be adjourned at <br />9: 25 p. m. Roll CJl1. Ayes: Dressler. Johnson, ~Ioeller. h'lSl..i >, Berry, and RuJ..avlnl. <br />Nays: None. <br />