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<br />CITY OF ROSMLLE - <br />STA:ZE OF m~"rSOTA <br /> <br />l'El'ITIG.'l DY Jtf..'VILLE HESID:1.'1'S <br />IN SUl;'l'ORT OF P!Wl'OOI:D PLAT BY <br />ALVlNlO-::HR <br /> <br />The undorslgned, beIng all I/.osoville resldonts, and proporty owers of <br />tho prt'mlllQS as set forth bol"" adJacent to our nMles, horeby petitIon <br />the CIty of I~seville as tollovsl <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />That the ~lty of RosQvillo, through its PlannIng Commis~ion and Council, <br />a.pprove tho pl'Qposod plat subllltl;ed by i.lvln Kebr of the tolloving des- <br />cribed pre=i~osl <br /> <br />The WOllt t/2 ot tho West 1/2 ot thE) "t.ast 1/2 ot tho Northout 1/4 <br />of Section 11, Township ~9, Hang') 23 according to the Govornment <br />Survey thereot excopting tht Southerly 2/3 ot tho \'ost 1/2 ot <br />tho ""cst 1/2 ot tho East 1/2 ot the Northeast 1/4 ot the North- <br />east 1/4 o~ Section 11, T,,'mship 29, ltango 23. <br />(Kn()'o.u as 674 W. COWlty Ik>&d C.) <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />'Ihtt.t the urders1gnO\\ ~o tillS l'oti t10n havlng tully inspected the pro- <br /> <br />posed pll1t, "hlCh accompanies this ~)etltion. <br /> <br /> <br />DATE <br /> <br />r. <br /> <br />7~O W Q, Rei c <br />-7 16 4t./ e.c- .// f! <br />(c//'::J M '. 41 RLJ C. <br /> <br />/-?"-$ <br />1- 7.Clf <br /> <br />1- 7- W <br /> <br />& 9 <q lV~ q:i-ON <br />