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<br />-.. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />Cose No. 564..70 <br /> <br />- 2 - <br /> <br />3. On the remainder of the land the applicant proposes to construct a neigh- <br />borhood "I,~pping center oriented around an int,'rior pedestrian moll. The <br />applicant has had plans prepared by the Apache ~ngineerin9 Corpocation <br />and Eldrich Morrison, an architect from the White Beor crca. We have <br />reviewed these plans in some detail, along with other stoff members from <br />the Village, and susgest thol the development proposal would constitute <br />Q considercble: improvement in the immediote area. You arc aware of the <br />fact thot we hove 0 good residential crea to the south oI the property in <br />question, and a fine iunior high school across County Reed B to the north. The <br />proposed s,l,opping center would incorporate the existing buildings, creating <br />o shoWing center ....ith a total building orea of 46,000 sq. ft. Based on 0 <br />slightly more than 60% net retail spoce, the applicant provide; ::me parking <br />Space for 85 net sq. ft. of retail area os required in the ordinance. The <br />total number of parking spaces would be 334 C016, placed to the east ond th4 <br />Wed of the proposed shepping center structures. The appljcan~ "as submitted <br />detailed topographical pions, grading plans, londscape pions, and preliminalr <br />pIons for the shopping center itself. These lerge scale drawirgs will be <br />available ot the hearing, os prepared by the engineers and architects involved. <br /> <br />4. There is 0 POrcel of land thot would be to the south of the proposed oil station <br />site (just wed of 0010 Street) which is t6 be reserved for 0 ruture medical <br />building. We suggest that this will be a very of-~opriote u~ For the property <br />in question, augmenting the potential for the neighborhood s.l,opping center <br />as propos...d in tho main body of tro property. In seneral, we sugsest that the <br />development propolOl is weil-done, and will constitute 0 mojor improvement <br />to the orca. <br /> <br />5. You will note that the design suggests a service orca enc lased on three sides, <br />just off the mall in the centoer of the development. We would suggest thet <br />this is a mvch more appropriate solut Ion than the usual ~trjp service cr(>a found <br />behind the typical lineal type shopping center development. The applicant <br />suggests 0 program of tree planting olong the ~uth side of the pl'operty at the <br />ba~ cf the hill behind the homet f.onting on Eldndge Street to the south. We <br />discussed with the applicant the feosibility of planting the entire h.llside with <br />smoll evergreen seedlings. If this were done over a period of a short time, this <br />steep hillside could be totally covered with on ever .green tree '3rowHI that <br />would enhance the beauty of the orca, not only in th(> summer, but in the <br />winter os well. This hill, of course, is pdvale property owned by the occupants <br />of Ihe homes fronting on Eldridge Slree'. Obviously, the approvol of these <br />persons would be necessary in pluntu19 the hillside os :;uggested. Not only <br />would the planting progron enhance the general chorc~ter of the oreo/ but <br />would, of cour~, tend to screen any VISual impact the sl,oppmg center might <br />create from the top of the hill at the rear or the backyords of the homes on <br />Eldridge Street. The appl icant has Indicated hl~ wdi ingness to plant these <br />trees if lhe owners of the propelty ore agreeable. We suggest thIS might be <br />well worth p\l'suemg os a means to gcnerally en~\ar'lcing the aesthetiC character <br />of this important port of the Village of Rosev"'e <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />.;, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />, <br />. <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />. <br />