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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />GUIliE TO: <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />- <br />...,,-~ ., -'I- .J'fJ!'~~'" /j ~"~"'1f ~'" ~~,. i't <br />~~ ~. <br />~i <br />. ,,\I'I <br />c ~ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />REQUEST fOR nsZO:UNG <br /> <br />V1l1aae of il,osev111e, Uirmesota <br /> <br />This guide is intended as an aid in co~pleting y~~r application for a rezoning. <br />If aft~r reading this guide ;nJ the extract of the VIllage Code furnished IOu, yeu <br />still have questions on cO~plctlng the application, call tho Inspectich Superintendent, <br />484.3371. <br /> <br />~PPLICATIOS REq~RE~Ehi~ <br /> <br />Tho fOllowing ~tcrl31 ~ust be Included in your applicat1on: <br /> <br />Two copios of the appllc~tion forn, fully completed. <br />~c ropies of a cap or plat showing the property Proposod to be re:one~ <br />ana-al1 lands withln 2SC feet of tho boundary of the property to he rezoned. <br />Abstractors certificate listing tho names and addrosses of the owners of land <br />within 250 feet of the ~ounJary of the property on ~hICh rezonlng is requested <br />as those nnnu appear on tho records of tilO County Auditor of Ramsey Count)'. <br />FIve copies of the p13n of tho proposed use of the reloned property. <br />~itrtion showing the approval for the proposed rezoning by at least fifty <br />p~r cent of the property cwners wlt~in 2S0'fcet of the boundaries of the <br />property proposed to be rezoned, <br /> <br />1. <br />" <br />... <br /> <br />J. <br /> <br />4, <br />s. <br /> <br />COHPLETIQ:J OF APPLICAtI01l FOR.'f <br /> <br />The various sections of the appllCatlon fo~ should be completed as follows: <br /> <br />Section 1. <br />Section 2. <br />Section J. <br />Section 4, <br />Soction S. <br />Section 6. <br /> <br />S~ction 7. <br /> <br />Section S. <br /> <br />Section 9. <br /> <br />Section 10, <br /> <br />Section 11. <br /> <br />Sectien 11. <br />Section 13. <br />Section 14. <br /> <br />Self oAplana;ory <br />Self oxplanatory <br />Solf oxplanatory <br />Self exp1::.natory <br />Furnish on approXl~to address <br />Enter the correct and CO!':1plete ) description of the propurty <br />to bit rez iCiI:-- - <br />Enter undet "pro sent" thG present ~onIng of the property R.l~ R.2~ <br />etc. :md undor "proposed" the proposed zoning of the property <br />8-2, R-J I etc. <br />Enter under I presont" tho present us', of tho property. single fa::lly <br />residence, etc, and under "proposed enter the proposed use of the <br />property - apartnent dwollin~s. etc. <br />Enter your exp13naticn of the change In conditions which warrant a <br />change in :oning, for OXa=ple. the re:oning of adjoining property has <br />dcc~ased tno valu~ of tho property in its preSent :oning classifJcatlon. <br />Enter your I~pre$$ion of what effect the rezoning will have on your <br />property and adjoin~n~ propertIes, for eX3cplc. the rezoning will lncreasc <br />the usability of tho property and will increase tho v~lue of adjacent land <br />since the rezoned property's u,age will conforD ~ore CLOsely with other <br />IJnd use 1n the area. <br />tnter your reason for bolieving th1s rezon~ng will improve the overall <br />:on1ng of the Village for eX3ople, the rezoning ~il! provide core land <br />for cultlple fa=ily dwellings for which the prescnt zoning does rot pro. <br />vide suffICIent ~~3ce in the VIllago. <br />Euter in detaIl y~~r reaSon for deSIring the rezoning. <br />Include copies of all reqUITed ~1terial$. <br />Date 'Uld SIan tile 3pplication. <br /> <br />~ <br />. ~ <br /> <br />{. <br />1 <br /> <br />, ".. <br />~ <br />",' <br />ff, <br />... <br />~ <br />; <br />! <br />. ~ <br />-" <br /> <br />~ <br />.~' <br />l <br />~~ <br />~< <br />;. <br />, ~ <br />, <br />,-;> <br /> <br />" <br />" <br />! <br />. <br />r, <br />~ <br />; <br />J <br />~ <br />{ <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br />~ <br />, <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />