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<br />, , <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.r1........~\..J <br />, ~-z <br />) <br /> <br />> , <br />l' <br /> <br />HEARING PROCEDURE <br /> <br />-, <br />~ <br /> <br />A public hearini is requIred b~fore both th~ Planning Co~~ission ~d the Council. <br />tach hoaring requires 10 days published notice ~nd cailed notice to property cwnors <br />within 250 feet, The Councills public hearIng ~!11 be hold after the Planning Commission <br />holds its hearing and ~~ke$ a rcconQCndation on tho catter, <br /> <br />1, <br />~ <br />, <br />'S <br />i' <br />. <br />~ <br />.. <br /> <br />VILLAGE COOS PROVISIONS APPLICABL[ TO REZO~IMG <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~! <br />~ <br /> <br />Chapter 16. <br /> <br />16.010. Rezoning A;!licatlon, The Council may accnd this Code and the officlal <br />Zonin~ ~lap upon a 2 vote of the COUllC1L Any person owning real estato In th~ Village <br />~3Y filo an applicatIon ~ith the VIllage Clerk In the form of a written request or <br />petition to rozone his said real estate or such real estAte abutting the:eto. The <br />applicatIon shall be acco~paniod by an abstrvctor's certified proporty certificate showing <br />the property owners within 250 feet of the outer boundaries of the land proposed to be <br />rozoned. The Villaae Clerk shall refer such writte~ application together with abstractorV, <br />cortified proporty certificate to tho Council. If the application is in the form of a <br />petition and contains the signatures of 50\ of the proporty owners abutting the land <br />affected. tho Council shall rofer the application and related infor.Qat~on to the Planning <br />C~=tssion Any other applicatIon r.~y be referr2d by tho Council to the Planning CO==i5s10n, <br />or r~turnod to tho applicant The Council =ay of Its own ~ticn initiato tno request for # <br />re%Onlna and refer the sa~e to the Planning Co~ission. <br /> <br />...: <br />, <br />? <br />~ <br /> <br />16,020 lIearin~ Before Plannlnst COMMiSSion The Planning COl:l:1ission shall hold a publ1c <br />hearing at'forcUng an opportunity for au parties interested to be heard and shall givo not <br />less than 10 nor Qore than 30 days' notice of tiDe and place of such hoaring, published <br />in tho designated legal newspaper for the: Village. Such notice shall also contain the <br />descriptIon of the land and the proposed change in zoning, At least 10 days before the <br />hearina the Plannini Co=o1ssion shall nail an i~entical notice to tho owner and to each of <br />the prop~rty ownors within 250 feot of the nuts1de boundaries of the land proposed to be <br />rezoned Failure of tho Planning CO~oiss10n to ~~il notice or failure of the property <br />ownors to receive the notice shall not invalidate the proceedings, ~ithln 60 days after <br />tho date cf reference by the Counc11, the Planning Con=ission shall nako a written report <br />to th# Council stating ltS findings and recon~endationst unless within said 60 days the <br />Planning Cocaission requests additional ti~c to ~~lo a writt~n report to the Cou~eil. Tho <br />Council U3y ~xtend tho Planning Co~~ission s ti~ to ~~~e a written report upon such request <br />frol3 the Planning COl!l::l1sS1on tl.1de 1n writlns: to the Counei I within said 60 day,. <br /> <br />16,030 Iloarir. Bofore Vllla~e Council The Village Council shall hold a pubU' h~arlng <br />within 30-aays aftot the rece1pt o~ report and re~oDr.endation iroD the Planning <br />Co=oisslcn if the Planning Co~ission fails to cake a report to the Council Wlthin the <br />ti=.o provided for il. Section 16.020, then the Council shall hold a public hearing with1n <br />30 days after the oxpiration of said period, Failure to recelVO a report froD the <br />Plannin~ CCQ=ission as herein provided shall not invalidate the proceedings or actlons of <br />the Council. The Council shall five not less than 10 days nor core than 30 days notIce <br />of tice and place of such h~arlng publ1shed 1n tho dcsl~atcd logai newspaper for the <br />Village, and such notice shall contaIn a descrlpt10n of the land. the proposed Chango in <br />:onin, At least .0 days before tho hcarin~ the Council shall aa11 an identical notic~ <br />to toe ownor and to oach of the proper~y Oft~ers ~ltnin 250 feet of the outSide boundarios <br />of the land propos~d to be rc%oncd Failure of the Coun~il to cali th~ notice or failure <br />of the ?to?orty owners to rece1VC the n~tl~e shali not lnval1Uate the proceedings At <br />the tiee of hearln~, the Council oay ta~e fin~l a~tion upon the application or it :ay <br />contlnue the hearing iron tice to ti~o for furt1cr investi~atlon 3nd hoaring. Tho Councl1 <br />cay also roquest further 1nfo~tlon froo the Plannln~ Cocclssion. <br />