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<br />Pag(> TvlO <br /> <br />3. Vie have add(~d considerably more riprap and have caut ioned that <br />angular r iprap should be used ant-he 81 OpE~S AS oPPoRedLo <br />smouth boulders. Smooth t)oll1de1':-:; will '.,lurk at the hftse (f the <br />slopes and would be advantageous there, bu t (~I[-;ew}H~re, Wf' \.Ji 1 1 <br />go to the angular riprap. We do think that 1:1 slopes with <br />riprap in place will work fine. We have widened the driveway <br />to 20' for 10' of actual driveway and fj' on each sid,:' for <br />shoulders. In adclition, OUI' df'~sign does include boulders <br />along the perimeter. These boulders will be nearly half <br />buried in the soil sysb'!tn and do afford cons; dc'rable <br />protection along the driveway edge. ThE' existing l"lntural <br />slopes are about 2: 1. He do lwt want to push I he . e.qrth <br />embankment any farther to the e.'1[;t because of the al ready high <br />volume of mat.erial required. <br /> <br />4. Perhaps we dLdn' t mark a~c'; clearly as pos;.:;i bh~ but. lye arc using <br />boulders in the ehannel area for enf!rgy defusers. It is quite <br />possible Lhat the stLllill,g basin at the eulvef't outlet will <br />have to be partially armored, 1)l1t this @is Hhy 1-\1E' r llow <br />through on such j ObH. I n add i t ion, we have chang""l the pipe <br />to R.ep, and the flare end ties Flnd trash racks are standard <br />procedure. <br /> <br />5. It 1:'.: our undersl.andjng,that the p(-'rm1L will car!'y n. re!liind(~r <br />that contractors and ultimately the property owner will have <br />to clean \IP afte r themse 1 yes on the )1l11> 11 c rO.'Hl. \ve P i'i'sume <br />you /" perm it for gl'ad ing has s t.nndflrd rema rks. <br /> <br />All in all, this 8Lould be a very good project. We h;-O\ve reduced <br />LlJe drLv\",'ti.Y slopes 8.S much as p08:;;;b1e, bnt YOll have te, take what <br />ele\"J.dIuJis al'C' given on the orit,;:inal topo and deal ,dth thnm as <br />bes L you can, l"hi c h j 8 \"ha t \.\Ie have done. We have every i nt(Hl t ion <br />that Uds will be n sLlccessful pr'oJect, and will cer't:if thc~ <br />completion to your office. <br /> <br />Respectfully, <br />Profession:;),l Engineering Consult'<inLs, Inc. <br /> <br />~'-p/l <br />ultta/fV It." 4~/ &(;c-c.-/;(fh~) <br /> <br />Brian R. Dobie, P.E. <br />Pres j,ien t <br /> <br />co: Scott & Li~a Holter <br />2241 Southvlew Lane <br />H <) U n cl, H i n 11 e n 0 L a 5 5 3 6 4 <br />