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PF3000 - PF3801
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7/17/2007 2:28:13 PM
Creation date
8/17/2005 2:07:29 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
686 W County Road C
Project Name
VanSickle, Harold
VanSickle, Harold
Date Final City Council Action
Date Final Planning Commission Action
Planning Files - Resolution #
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<br />5.2 The Van Sickle parcel is a very unique triangular lot with street right-of-way adjacent two <br />sides (north & south) making it difficult to establish the front yard versus rear yard versus <br />the corner side yard adjacent to a street. <br /> <br />5.3 Staff has researched the historic records for the subject parcel in an attempt determine <br />how setbacks were applied when the original building permit was issued in the late <br />1960's, but no records were found. Nevertheless, the existing City Code would apply a <br />30 foot setback from any portion of the lot that lies adjacent to a public street and a five <br />foot side yard setback for the east property line. <br /> <br />5.4 The parcel's unique shape impacts its buildable area once current setbacks are applied. <br />Specifically, if the strict requirement of the Code were applied to the vacant parcel it <br />would leave an area varying from 20 feet wide on the extreme east side to roughly 10 feet <br />wide on the west side, totaling 155 feet in length, for the property owners to build their <br />home. <br /> <br /> <br />5.5 The boulevard along South McCarrons Boulevard has a width range of 33 feet at the east <br />to 38 feet at the west. Similarly, Woodruff ranges in width from 23 feet on the east to as <br />narrow as 10 feet as it travel to the west. A standard boulevard today would have a width <br />of roughly 13 feet from back of curb to the property line. <br /> <br />5.6 The applicants have attempted to design a home that blends into the existing topography, <br />preserving a majority of the existing mature trees; respects the adjacent era of homes; and <br />is large enough in size and layout to accommodate today's family needs. <br /> <br />5.7 Given the unusual circumstances, the City Planner advocated use of a flexible variance <br />that would provide the applicant the ability to shift the foundation of the structure without <br />compromising design and existing topographic features. This minimum setback would be <br />established at 4 feet from both the north and south property lines, allowing structural <br />adjustments (slight shifts in the structure location on the parcel) that would not require <br />further approval by the City Council if within the 4 foot setback. <br /> <br />5.8 Section 1004.01A6 of the Roseville City Code limits R-l and R-2 properties to a <br />maximum impervious coverage of 30% the size of the parcel/lot. The City has estimated <br />that the proposed impervious coverage for the subject parcel to be 3,531 square feet or 52 <br />square feet over the maximum allowed by Section 1004.01D6 of the City Code. This <br />overage includes the change in pavement type from gravel to all weather surface for the <br />drive accessing South McCarrons Boulevard. <br /> <br />5.9 Section 1012.02B2 requires decks, provided they do not extend above the height of the <br />ground floor level, to be set back a minimum of 2 feet from a property line. The current <br />proposal indicates a 1 foot setback. If the variance, as proposed by the City Planner (24 <br />foot) is approved, the building can be slightly turned to have the deck meet the required 2 <br />foot setback. <br /> <br />PF3447 - ReA 121602 - Page 3 of 6 <br />
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