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<br />~~I~~(2~~~w U:.1~ <br /> <br />5125752"L9} <br />V-.,J J. I r V I!..i.) <br /> <br />ALLIANT ENGINEERL~G <br />~l~~V~~ ~ U~lV1BR RESOURC <br /> <br />PAGE 02/03 <br />#5599 P.002l003 <br /> <br />IT' ~~ ~ ... <br /> <br />Rice Creek Wa~:er$hcd District Permit Application Number <br /> <br />03-031. <br /> <br />" ' <br />:..' . <br />'., ,-,:', ,,: <br />;':i', -::.. j, <br /> <br />Applitant; <br /> <br />COD$ltM.t: Padlam.lauaheri <br />AJliatl,t En.giIl.eerlng~ Inc. <br />, 233 Park AVeDne 5, Suite 200 <br />Mjnneap'olis, MN 55414 <br />Ph.; 612-758...3080 <br />Fx: 612-758-3099 ' <br /> ' <br /> <br />Final SIva Drainage Plan for an ABU Auto Body & Ola,s9 facility, 2.8~ <br />acres. <br /> <br />Mark Cuci <br />CEM Investments <br />1.91.0 County Road C W <br />Ro$evilIel MN 5511.3 <br />Ph: 651-631-2996 <br />Fx: 651~6.31-2997 <br /> <br />; :: ::.., \ ~ . I, . <br /> <br />. .' , <br /> <br />, , , <br />, " <br />;,,".. I <br /> <br />~ .: ~ i'l;:. , <br /> <br />. r .' "~ <br /> <br />Purpose: <br /> <br />J...ocati on: <br /> <br />1910 Coun.ty Road, C~ RoseviUe. <br />29-23-9 1,1'8, <br /> <br />T..R-S: <br /> <br />jJ .Ilb.- <br /> <br />I~' ~ <br /> <br />r , <br /> <br />Recomm.endation: Cond,ldol' al approval pending receipt of elJa"-ges rmd outstatlding <br />items related to; <br /> <br />Stonn.water. M:8uuement <br /> <br />1. Revised plans inCOlpor.ating wa.ter quaTity BMP(s) 1n <br />subsli1:ution for the proposed infiltration BMJ:'($). <br /> <br />Wetlands <br /> <br />2. Field verification by OiSbict staff of no impacts. <br /> <br />Administra.t;jve <br /> <br />3. Draft Opera1ion and. Maintenance Agreement acceptable to <br />District en.gin.eer and a.ttomey for proposed onsite <br />managemen.t fea.tures. <br /> <br />4. Copy of receipt from County and signedln,otarized <br />Jesal document(s).. Note that legal docum,ent(s) are to be <br />submitted by Applicant to County for Ncording only a.fter <br />approval hy District. <br /> <br />5. Fina1i?ed plan set signed by a pr.ofessi('JMl engin.eer. <br /> <br />6. Cash SJ.u:ety in the a.m.ount of$1,500. <br /> <br />Exhibi.ts: <br /> <br />1. Perm,it Applica.tion dated March 5~ 2003; received March 6; 2003. <br /> <br />Emm.ons & Olivier Resources, Inc. <br /> <br />3/21/03 <br />