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<br />03/24/2003 13:48 51257527g] <br />.....H.u.'\.Jl'::'OV c..\lV..; J.":i': ~.l.~ O::;;J. f rv zo,"_. - <br />. . . <br /> <br />ALLIANT ENGINEERI~G <br />EMMONS & OLIVIER RESOU~CT <br /> <br />PAGE 03/03 <br />#5599 P,Q03/003 <br /> <br />;.0: <br /> <br />-eermit Apl'Jieati.on ~O. 03~031 <br /> <br />CEM Investments <br /> <br />Grading Plan prepared by Alliant Engineering, d$ted. March 18~ 2003 <br />received Marcb.1.S~ 2003. <br /> <br />Utility Plan prepared by AUiant Engineerln&, dated Marth 18,2003, <br />received March 18~ 20Q3. <br /> <br />Landscaping Plan, prepared by A11iant Ensineering~ dated March 18, <br />2003, received March 18,2003. <br /> <br />SoIl BorinS$ prepared by American. Testing, Inc.~ dated December <br />1.2, 2003, received March. 1. S~ 2003. <br /> <br />In.filtration Worksb.eet prepared by Alliant Engineering, undated, <br />received March 6, 2003. <br /> <br />7. RCWD CSMl' File 94-01. . <br /> <br />Findjllgs: <br /> <br />1. '1"he pr.oposed project en,tails consfJ:'Iretion ()f two commercial <br />bui.1dings (25,OOO:J: SF) and par.king areas reauJdn,g in 2.0:1: acra$ of <br />new imperviQUS sunace. <br /> <br />2. Water quality treatment and rate control for this site is provid.ed by <br />the Twin. Lake~. Regional. POlld approved un.der t{CWD <br />Com.prehe1Jsive Stormwater Management Plan 94-01. <br /> <br />The proposed, onsite storm. water. management plan includes. an. <br />fnfiltration basin and a drainage !Iwata sized in accordance with <br />Distriot s1:aJJdards. Soil borings indlcate clay soils onsi':e, malcing <br />infiltration. capacity of the propo$ed feature minimal The proposed <br />infiJtrati.on basin would JJ.ot infiltrate do~ in the required. 72..b.oUT$ <br />and wQul.d quiok seal up and toss all infiltration.pot~tiaJ,. Based on <br />the soil types a biofiltra.tioTl system or a. water qu.a1itytreatment po:nd. <br />would be better. options to satisfY the District stan.dard. <br /> <br />3. NWI do ;not indicate any wetlands olJSite. However, t]lerc, are <br />depremonal areas near the north.ern. boundary of the ~t=. Field <br />verification by District staff oino wedand impact is r~,red,. <br /> <br />4, TIJ,el'e Is no FEMA flood elevation for this site. The proposed <br />building low floor elevations satisfy District freeboard requirements <br />over the in:ti1tratioll basin outlet elevation.. <br /> <br />5. An a.cceptable erosion control plan. has been submitted. <br /> <br />Board Action: <br /> <br />Emmons & Olivier R,esources, Inc. <br /> <br />3/21/03 <br />