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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/26/2015 9:50:43 AM
Creation date
1/28/2015 4:22:22 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 12, 2015 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Goldblatt for his attendance and comments; but con- <br /> firmed that the motion denied his request for exemption for this facility from the <br /> inspection process under the City's Rental Licensing Program. <br /> Mr. Goldblatt expressed his disappointment in the City Council's action; noting <br /> that most other multi-tenant buildings were not regulated with rents they can <br /> charge; however, owners of this building would be forced to absorb this cost ra- <br /> ther than being able to spread the fee over the units. <br /> 15. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> a. Update on Dale Street Fire Station Redevelopment <br /> City Manager Trudgeon provided a verbal update on the status of the Dale Street <br /> Fire Station Redevelopment Project, and took responsibility for and personally <br /> apologized for not communicating the project status with the City Council and <br /> public before now, including the provisions staff was working under in the Prede- <br /> velopment Agreement. Mr. Trudgeon stated that one reason for the delayed re- <br /> porting was that staff kept thinking the end was in sight, but obviously that had <br /> not happened and the process went on far too long. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the history and background of the project; and the recent <br /> expiration of the Preliminary Developer Agreement, with financing for the project <br /> remaining the final piece of the puzzle, but also still unresolved. At this point, <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that the Greater Minnesota Housing Corporation (GMHC) <br /> was still attempting to secure financing, and was awaiting completion of an ap- <br /> praisal with the latest bank considering financing the project. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff was collectively of the opinion that it was time to <br /> pursue other options for the land. Mr. Trudgeon stated that the next steps from <br /> staff's perspective were for the City— and Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br /> (HRA) as owner of two of the three acres and the City's partner—discuss options <br /> for the property. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that the project was and would remain a <br /> city-led process. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that the HRA next met on January 20, 2015, at which time <br /> they would be discussing the project's status, along with options and alternatives. <br /> Subsequently, Mr. Trudgeon noted that the City Council and HRA's next joint <br /> meeting was scheduled for February 9, 2015, where a larger discussion and HRA <br /> recommendations were proposed for discussion, and the next steps. <br /> Given the amount of time given by the community to-date in considering and <br /> agreeing on the right development, Mr. Trudgeon stated that he would lean to- <br />
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