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<br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mrs. Joe Peck, 1748 Alta Vista, who lives next door to the proposed division, <br />indicated that she had no objection to the application. <br /> <br />Mr. Edlund felt that the division of the lot and the construction of the new home <br />would irrprove the property. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos Moved and Mr. Kellett Seconded, that the Conunission recomnend approval of <br />Clayton Benish and Lillie Syring's request for division of a lot at 1800 Alta Vista <br />Drive. Roll Call, Ayes: Demos, Eagles, Kellett, Edlund and Pope. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Planning File 637-71 - Jell Associates request for variance to sign height and <br />size at 2540 North Cleveland <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Jerry Loftsgaarden, representing Jell Associates, indicated that he was asking that <br />he be permitted to place a sign on top of the four story portion of his Holiday 1rm <br />development. Originally the sign had been proposed to be placed on the face of the <br />building. However, after viewing the situation it was found that the sign would not <br />be visible from the freeway. The sign would be the SaJre as the one originally pro- <br />posed, except that it would contain the Holiday Inn logo. Mr. Loftsgaarden indicated <br />that the Holiday 1rm Corporation requires that the roof sign have the logo attached, <br />whereas, the sign on the face of the building is not required to have the logo. The <br />sign would project approximately 16 feet above the height of the building and consist <br />of approximately 270 square feet. Village ordinances require that a sign be no higher <br />than 6 feet above the building, and would allow a square footage of 185 feet for this <br />individual sign. <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos asked if there would be any additional requests for signs in the future. <br /> <br />Mr. Loftsgaarden stated there would be no other Holiday 1M signs, but there would <br />probably be a "Golden Horn" sign over the door of the restaurant entrance. <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos stated that she would like to defend the sign ordinance, and that she <br />would rather error by requiring too small a sign than to error by permitting too big <br />a sign. <br /> <br />Mr. Edlund indicated that if he had knO\'ill that Jell Associates \.,rQuld be retuming <br />for another sign variance that he might not have voted for the first variances that <br />were granted for the pylon sign in front of the development. <br /> <br />Mr. Kellett felt that for a road trade operation in that area, that there was no <br />doubt a problem in getting the customer off the freeway. Mr. Kellett indicated that <br />without the Holiday Irm logo the amJunt of square footage and the overall height <br />would be reduced considerably. ~ felt that it would perhaps be reascnable to allow <br />the placing of the script sign minus the logo on top of the building rather than on <br />the face as originally proposed. <br /> <br />Hr. Edlund indicated that he thought there was a good deal of merit in Mr. Kellett! s <br />suggestion. <br />