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<br /> <br /> <br />of the <br />G. Johnson at 7: 30 P.M. <br /> <br /> <br />M9rrbers present: Sirrons, Cushing, Rukavina, Mastel and G. Jolmson <br /> <br />M:mbers absent: Kellett and V. Johnson <br /> <br />Others present: Council liaison Albert Grauel, Planning Consultant representative <br />Dick ]}.o;inell, Terry Krarrer and Steve North <br /> <br />Approval of Minutes <br /> <br />Mr 0 Rukavina rrovoo arrl Mrs. CUshing secon:100, that the minutes of the regular <br />rreeting of April 6, 1977, be approvoo with the following arrendrcent: <br /> <br />"M9rrbers present" should read, "Sirrons, Mastel, Cushing, Rukavina and <br />G. Johnson." <br /> <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Sirrons, Cushing, Rukavina, Mastel arrl G. Johnson. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Planning File 1044 - Jolm Holter request for division of lot at 1791 Dale Street <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Holter indicated he proposes to divide the lot and construct a single family hare. <br />He statoo Ramsey County has advisoo him that he can have a curb cut onto Dale Street <br />to serve the hOIte. <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mr. G. Johnson suggested that Mr. Holter provide a turn-around for his vehicles so <br />that he does not need to back onto Dale Street. Mr. Holter indicated he plans to do <br />so. <br /> <br />Recorcrrendation <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina rroved an:1 Mr. Mastel secorrled, that the Cam1ission recomrend approval of <br />John Holter's request for division of lot at 1791 Dale Street with the follCMing <br />condi tions : <br /> <br />1. 'lhat a 15 foot utility easement be provided along the south property line <br />from the west property line on Alta Vista Drive to the proposoo new lot. <br /> <br />2. 'lhat 16~ feet be dedicated as additional right-of-way for Dale Street. <br /> <br />Poll Call, Ayes: Sirrons, Cushing, Rukavina, Mastel and G. Johnson. Nays: None. <br />