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<br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated that this request has been carried over from a <br />previous Planning Commission meeting due to some new considerations concern- <br />ing drainage and the provision of water and sanitary sewer. He indicated <br />that the property in question is a 1.79 acre tract formerly platted into 3 <br />lots. The new plat, as proposed, divides the land into six lots; one of <br />which is to be occupied by the existing single family home at the far north- <br />erly end of the property. All of the lots meet minimum square footage re- <br />quirements. He further indicated that the platting include an additional <br />16.5 feet of dedication for right-of-way for Dale Street on the east side of <br />the plat. He stated that when Dale Street originally ran down the Dale Court <br />area down through the Alta Vista Drive area that the right-of-way had been <br />provided for the wider County ~oad requirements. Since this was now simply a <br />residential street, the applicant was requesting that 16.5 feet of orignally <br />dedicated right-of-way be vacated. <br /> <br />Mr. Drown indicated that current drainage on the site was a drainage swale <br />in which water ran from the west side of the property to the east side of <br />the property. He indicated that the applicant proposed to fill extensively <br />in this area and that it would be necessary to provide a storm water drainage <br />pipe underneath the filled areas. He stated that calculations as to size had <br />not been made yet, but full consideration would be given to the requirements <br />of the runoff that comes from the northwest of the area. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />Mrs. Cushing moved and Mastel seconded, that the Planning Commission recommend <br />approval of the Charles Weleczki request for preliminary plat and vacation of <br />right-of-way at 1822 North Dale Court. Roll Call, Ayes: Dressler, Mastel, <br />Rukavina, Simons, Cushing, Johnson. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Planning File - 1300 - Super 8 Motor Hotel request for division of platted <br />lot, rezoning from 1-1 to B-l-B and special use permit <br />for site plan at 2401 Prior Avenue <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated that the property involved was currently zoned 1-1 <br />and that discussions had been held with the property owner regarding a more <br />intensive business use of this area. The Super 8 Motor Hotel people now <br />intend to construct a 180 unit motel which would be part of the system of <br />hotels and motels currently numbering 92. The staff had reviewed several plans <br />and felt that this was the best one for this particular site. He indicated <br />that first it would be necessary to rezone the land from 1-1 to B-l-B. The <br />B-l-B recommendation was felt to be more restrictive in this area and would <br />allow for better control over development. The division was requested so <br />that the other portion of the site could be developed at some later date. <br />He further indicated that the site plan proposed conformed with the require- <br />ments of the B-l-B district and that one feature of the plan was that the <br />building was setback 50 feet from Prior Avenue rather than the required 30 <br />feet. This was done in the interest of providing a well landscaped area in <br />