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Digital Shorts (webcast) and TV Broadcast (includes webcast and social media): <br /> <br />Five 4-6 minute digital short videos to be written, video-recorded, produced with B-roll and graphics, edited, and <br />packaged for use on web sites and social media efforts. ProducĻķ źƓ Ў ƌğƓŭǒğŭĻƭͲ ƷŷĻƭĻ ķźŭźƷğƌ ƭŷƚƩƷƭ ĭğƓ ĬĻ ͻƩĻΏĻķźƷĻķͼ <br />to fit television broadcast needs into a 30-minute program. $35,000 - $42,000 <br />Digital shorts in 5 languages ($35,000) <br />Digital shorts RE-edited for use on public and local access television broadcast ($7,000) <br />English Language Learning Curriculum (ELL): <br />Up to one week-long ͷ9Ɠŭƌźƭŷ ğƭ ğ {ĻĭƚƓķ \[ğƓŭǒğŭĻ͸ Λ9{\[Μ ĭǒƩƩźĭǒƌǒƒ for basic, intermediate, and advanced levels to <br />share information about City of Roseville locally in partnership with the Minnesota Literacy Council. Cost includes <br />creation of lesson plan(s) for teachers with student activities incorporating the digital shorts into the discussion. This <br />program is intended for English Language Learning (ELL) learners ages 18 and ǒƦ ŭźǝźƓŭ ğƌƌ ğ ĭŷğƓĭĻ Ʒƚ ƷğƌƉ ğĬƚǒƷ ͻ{ğŅĻ <br />Housing Practices for Renters and Landlords (workiƓŭ ƷźƷƌĻΜͼ ǞŷźƌĻ ķźƩĻĭƷźƓŭ Ʒƚ ƩĻƭƚǒƩĭĻƭ͵ $5,000 - $10,000 <br />Distribution Plan and Community Engagement: <br />Community engagement activities in the City of Roseville designed to targeted cultural groups and/or agencies working <br />ķźƩĻĭƷƌǤ ǞźƷŷ ƷğƩŭĻƷĻķ ĭǒƌƷǒƩğƌ ŭƩƚǒƦƭ ΛƌźĬƩğƩźĻƭͲ /.h͸ƭͲ ĻƷĭ͵Μ͵ ECHO bi-lingual ambassadors join City of Roseville to attend <br />promotional events and/or deliver DVD copies of recorded digital shorts to events and agencies where City of Roseville <br />information is helpful. Cost varies based on nuƒĬĻƩ ƚŅ ğŭĻƓĭźĻƭΉĻǝĻƓƷƭ͵ !ķķ ЊЉЉЉ 55͸ƭ ΛЋЎЎЉΜ͵ $2,000 - $10,000 <br />Measurement reporting on progress: <br />ECHO staff will spend up to 20 hours collecting data on this ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ͸ƭ ƚǒƷƦǒƷͲ ƩĻƭǒƌƷƭ źƓ ķźƩĻĭƷ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻ ğƓķ ƚǒƷƩĻğĭŷͲ ğƓķ <br />summarizing results in a final report to the funders and the public. $1,000 <br />INVESTMENT TOTAL (excludes indirect costs) $30,000 - $55,000 <br />Value Added: <br />ECHO Minnesota has many additional resources available for projects. The following resources would be available for <br />any projects conducted with ECHO. <br />In addition to City of Roseville use, all media content źƭ ƦƌğĭĻķ ƚƓ 9/Ih͸ƭ ƒǒƌƷźƌźƓŭǒğƌ ǞĻĬƦğŭĻ ğƓķ ƦƩƚƒƚƷĻķ <br />ƚƓ 9/Ih͸ƭ ƭƚĭźğƌ ƒĻķźğ ğƓķ ǤƚǒƷǒĬĻ ƦğŭĻͲ ğƓķ may be viewed up to 600 times in a year. <br />9/Ih͸ƭ Ļƒğźƌ ƌźƭƷΏƭĻƩǝĻ ƚŅ ƚǝĻƩ ЌͲЉЉЉ ƩĻĭźƦźĻƓƷƭ Ǟźƌƌ ŷĻğƩ ğĬƚǒƷ Ʒŷźƭ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ͵ <br />ŷźƭ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ Ǟźƌƌ ĬĻ ƦƩƚƒƚƷĻķ Ʒƚ 9/Ih͸ƭ ƌźƭƷ ƚŅ ƚǝĻƩ ЊЎЉ partners, across the state of Minnesota, many of whom <br />directly serve new Americans. <br />Television broadcasts will receive a listing on the ƷƦƷ YouTube page (for full episodes) <br />Promotions of TV broadcasts will take place on a variety of marketing resources as available <br />This project will be added to the archive of over 100 ECIh ƩĻƭƚǒƩĭĻƭ Α ğǝğźƌğĬƌĻ źƓ ƦĻƩƦĻƷǒźƷǤ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ ƦǒĬƌźĭ <br />The Minnesota Literacy Council (if ELL created), will make the ESL lessons available to ELL classrooms in the MLC <br />network and available to other ESL classes as requested. <br /> <br />