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Attachment B <br />person under the age of 210day 3day 7day <br />suspensionsuspensionsuspension <br />Sale of alcoholic beverage to an $1,000 and $2,000 and$2,000 and Revocation <br />obviously intoxicated person <br />1day 3day 7day <br />suspensionsuspensionsuspension <br />Refusal to allow City inspectors $1,000 and $2,000 and RevocationN/A <br />or police admission to premises <br />3day 7day <br />suspensionsuspension <br />After hours sale, possession by a $1,000 and $2,000 andRevocationN/A <br />patron or consumption of <br />3day 7day <br />alcoholic beverages <br />suspensionsuspension <br />Illegal gambling on premises$1,000 and $2,000 and RevocationN/A <br />3day 7day <br />suspensionsuspension <br />Sale of alcoholic beverages while 30day RevocationN/AN/A <br />license is under suspensionsuspension <br />Commission of a felony related to RevocationN/AN/AN/A <br />licensed activity <br />(Ord. 1408, 5-16-2011) <br /> <br />