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Attachment B <br />ON SALE & 3.2 -Type of 1 st Violation2 nd Violation3 rd Violation4 th Violation <br />Violation <br />Sale of alcoholic beverage to a $1,000 and$2,000 and $2,000 andRevocation <br />person under the age of 21 <br />1 day 5 day 15 day <br />suspensionsuspensionsuspension <br />Sale of alcoholic beverage to an $1,000 and $2,000 and$2,000 andRevocation <br />obviously intoxicated person <br />1 day 5 day 15 day <br />suspensionsuspensionsuspension <br />Failure of an on-sale licensee to $1,000 and$2,000 and$2,000 and Revocation <br />take reasonable steps to prevent a <br />1 day 5 day 15 day <br />person from leaving the premises <br />suspensionsuspensionsuspension <br />with an alcoholic beverage (on- <br />sale allowing off-sale) <br />Refusal to allow City inspectors $1,000 and$2,000 and RevocationN/A <br />or police admission to premises <br />7 day 14 day <br />suspensionsuspension <br />After hours sale, possession by a $1,000 and$2,000and RevocationN/A <br />patron or consumption of <br />7 day 14 day <br />alcoholic beverages <br />suspensionsuspension <br />Illegal gambling on premises$1,000 and $2,000 and RevocationN/A <br />7 day 14 day <br />suspensionsuspension <br />Sale of alcoholic beverages while 60 day RevocationN/AN/A <br />license is under suspensionsuspension <br />Sale of intoxicating liquor with RevocationN/AN/AN/A <br />only 3.2 percent malt liquor <br />license <br />Commission of a felony related to RevocationN/AN/AN/A <br />licensed activity <br />(Ord. 1408, 5-16-2011) <br />(2)Any prior violation that occurred more than 36 calendar months immediately preceding <br />the most current violation will not be considered in determining successive violations. <br />(3) In addition to the administrative penalties identified above, the city may in appropriate <br />circumstances choose to not renew a license at the end of its current term for non-compliance <br />with any provision of this Chapter or for any other reason allowed by law. <br />(Ord. 1390, 3-29-2010) (Ord. 1422, 11-28-2011) <br />C.Hearing and Notice: If, after considering the staff’s information, the City Council proposes <br /> <br />