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As shown above, the tax levy is scheduled to increase by 3.6% in 2015. If we exclude the amount set <br />15 <br />aside to eliminate the use of cash reserves, the increase would be 2.7%. <br />16 <br />17 <br />For a median-valued home that experiences an 11% valuation increase (citywide average), the tax <br />18 <br />impact will be $6.54 per month, an increase of 10%. If we exclude the amount set aside to eliminate <br />19 <br />the use of cash reserves, the impact would be $5.78 per month or 9%. <br />20 <br />21 <br />A Summary of the 2015 Tax Levy by Fund is presented below <br />22 <br />23 <br />2015 Tax Levy Summary <br />24 <br />$ Increase% Increase <br />Fund / Program20142015(Decrease)(Decrease) <br />Operations <br />General Fund Programs10,432,506$ 10,912,700$ 480,194$ 4.6% <br />Parks & Recreation - Programs1,055,215 1,041,930 (13,285) -1.3% <br />Parks & Recreation - Maintenance1,020,000 1,208,420 188,420 18.5% <br />Pathways & Parking Lots Maintenance150,000 155,000 5,000 3.3% <br />Boulevard Landscaping60,000 60,000 - 0.0% <br /> 13,378,05012,717,721 660,329 5.2% <br />Vehicles & Equipment Replacements <br />General Vehicle Replacements725,000 665,000 (60,000) -8.3% <br />General Equipment Replacements549,000 549,000 - 0.0% <br />IT Equipment Replacement200,000 250,000 50,000 25.0% <br /> 1,464,0001,474,000 (10,000) -0.7% <br />Facility Improvements <br />General Facility Replacement47,000 122,000 75,000 159.6% <br /> 122,00047,000 75,000 159.6% <br />General Infrastructure Improvements <br />Park Improvement Program40,000 40,000 - 0.0% <br />Pavement Management Program- 160,000 160,000 n/a <br />Street Lighting Replacement25,000 15,000 (10,000) -40.0% <br /> 215,00065,000 150,000 230.8% <br />Debt Service <br />Street Replacement310,000 150,000 (160,000) -51.6% <br />City Hall, PW (Begin '04)825,000 765,000 (60,000) -7.3% <br />Ice Arena ('09)355,000 355,000 - 0.0% <br />Fire Station, Park Renewal I ('13)835,000 835,000 - 0.0% <br />Park Renewal Phase II-A ('13)815,000 815,000 - 0.0% <br />Park Renewal Phase II-B ('14)560,000 560,000 - n/a <br /> 3,480,0003,700,000 (220,000) -5.9% <br />Total Levy18,003,721$ 18,659,050$ 655,329$ 3.640% <br />25 <br />26 <br />2015 Preliminary Budget <br />27 <br />The 2015 Budget as currently amended is $52,045,290. The Budget for the tax-supported programs is <br />28 <br />$26,055,340, an increase of $1,332,055 or 5.4% including capital-related expenditures. If we exclude <br />29 <br />capital items, the spending increase is only $608,485 or 2.5%. <br />30 <br />31 <br />Spending increases in the tax-supported programs is detailed below and in Attachment D. <br />32 <br />33 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br /> <br />