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2014 Operating Budget <br />$ 24,723,285 <br />2015 Budget Reductions <br />Supplies, materials, contractual services(57,080)$ <br />Contribution to Fire Relief Association(11,000) <br />Debt Service(220,000) <br />Total Budget Reductions(288,080)$ <br />2015 Budget Additions <br />Supplies, materials, contractual services251,430$ <br />Employee cost-of-living-adjustment203,135 <br />Employee wage step increases168,000 <br />Employee position changes/reorg.174,000 <br />PERA pension increases100,000 <br />Capital replacements723,570 <br />Total Budget Additions1,$ 620,135 <br />Net Budget Change <br />$ 1,332,055 <br />2015 Operating Budget <br />$ 26,055,340 <br />% Increase5.4% <br />34 <br />35 <br />Again, the operating budget (including capital replacements) is scheduled to increase by 5.4% in 2015. <br />36 <br />If we exclude capital replacements, the increase is only 2.5%. It should be noted that capital <br />37 <br />replacement expenditures can fluctuate widely from year-to-year. They are depicted above because <br />38 <br />they will require a formal budget appropriation from the Council. <br />39 <br />40 <br />As noted above, the 2015 Operating Budget for the tax-supported programs relies on $175,500 in cash <br />41 <br />reserves to achieve a balanced budget. The use of cash reserves will be higher if the Council eliminates <br />42 <br />the 2015 tax levy designated amount set aside for reducing deficit spending. <br />43 <br />44 <br />Final Comments <br />45 <br />City Staff recently reviewed the 2015 Proposed Budget and it appears that there could be up to $10,000 <br />46 <br />in potential funding reductions for motor fuel expense depending on final contract pricing provided by <br />47 <br />the State. It does not appear at this time that there is any other potential savings of this magnitude. <br />48 <br />49 <br />In addition, Staff will note that due to employee turnover there appears to be operational savings of <br />50 <br />approximately $200,000 in the 2014 General Fund budget. Any operational savings are retained in the <br />51 <br />General Fund and are available for future use. <br />52 <br />53 <br />These excess monies could be earmarked for tax relief in 2015. However, the Council may want to <br />54 <br />consider other potential uses such as funding for capital replacements, one-time initiatives, etc. <br />55 <br />56 <br />Finally, the Council is reminded that during the budget hearing on December 1, representatives from <br />57 <br />the Human Rights Commission came forward requesting an additional appropriation of $2,000 in the <br />58 <br />2015 City Budget to conduct a civility forum in the community. <br />59 <br />60 <br />Staff has reviewed the proposal and feels the forum would be a worthwhile endeavor to engage <br />61 <br />citizens. If the City Council would like to fund this request, the City Manager recommends the funds <br />62 <br />come from the Communications Fund. <br />63 <br />64 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br /> <br />