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D. <br />Are future stages of this development including development on any other property planned or <br />If yes, briefly describe future stages, relationship to present project, timeline and plans for <br />environmental review. <br />5.Cover types: <br /> Estimate the acreage of the site with each of the following cover types before and after <br />development. <br /> Before After Before After <br />Wetlands Lawn/landscaping <br />Deep water/streams Impervious surface <br />Woods/forest Stormwater pond <br />Brush/grassland Other (describe) <br />6.Permits and approvals required: <br /> Provide a list all known local, state and federal permits, <br />approvals, certifications and financial assistance for the project. Include modifications of any <br />existing permits, governmental review of plans and all direct and indirect forms of public financial <br />assistance including bond guarantees, Tax Increment Financing and infrastructure. All of these final <br />decisions are prohibited until all appropriate environmental review has been completed. See <br />Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410.3100. <br />7.Land use <br />A. <br />Describe existing land use of the site as well as areas adjacent to and near the site. <br />B. <br />Discuss the projectÓs compatibility with nearby land uses listed in Item 7.A above, as well as <br />RosevilleÓs comprehensive plan, concentrating on implications for environmental effects. <br />C. <br />Identify measures incorporated into the proposed project to mitigate any potential <br />incompatibility as discussed in Item 7.B above. <br />8.Geology, soils and topography/land forms <br />A. <br />Geology: Describe the geology underlying the project area and identify and map any susceptible <br />geologic features such as sinkholes, shallow limestone formations, unconfined/shallow aquifers, <br />or karst conditions. Discuss any limitations of these features for the project and any effects the <br />project could have on these features. Identify any project designs or mitigation measures to <br />address effects to geologic features. <br />B. <br />Soils and topography: Describe the soils on the site, giving NRCS (SCS) classifications and <br />descriptions, including limitations of soils. Describe topography, any special site conditions <br />relating to erosion potential, soil stability or other soils limitations, such as steep slopes, highly <br />permeable soils. Provide estimated volume and acreage of soil excavation and/or grading. <br />Discuss impacts from project activities (distinguish between construction and operational <br />activities) related to soils and topography. Identify measures during and after project <br />construction to address soil limitations including stabilization, soil corrections or other measures. <br />Erosion/sedimentation control related to stormwater runoff should be addressed in response to <br />Item 9.B.ii. <br />9.Water resources <br /> <br />A. <br />Describe surface water and groundwater features on or near the site in A.i and A.ii below. <br />i)Surface water: lakes, streams, wetlands, intermittent channels, and county/judicial ditches. <br />Include any special designations such as public waters, trout stream/lake, wildlife lakes, <br />migratory waterfowl feeding/resting lake, and outstanding resource value water. Include <br /> <br />