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water quality impairments or special designations listed on the current MPCA 303d Impaired <br />Waters List that are within 1 mile of the project. Include DNR Public Waters Inventory <br />number(s), if any. <br />ii)Groundwater: aquifers, springs, seeps. Include: 1) depth to groundwater; 2) if project is <br />within a MDH wellhead protection area; 3) identification of any onsite and/or nearby wells, <br />including unique numbers and well logs if available. If there are no wells known on site or <br />nearby, explain the methodology used to determine this. <br />B. <br />Describe effects from project activities on water resources and measures to minimize or mitigate <br />the effects in Item B.i through Item B.iv below. <br />i)Stormwater: Describe the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff at the site prior to and <br />post construction. Include the routes and receiving water bodies for runoff from the site <br />(major downstream water bodies as well as the immediate receiving waters). Discuss any <br />environmental effects from stormwater discharges. Describe stormwater pollution prevention <br />plans including temporary and permanent runoff controls and potential BMP site locations to <br />manage or treat stormwater runoff. Identify specific erosion control, sedimentation control or <br />stabilization measures to address soil limitations during and after project construction. <br />ii)Water appropriation: Describe if the project proposes to appropriate surface or groundwater <br />(including dewatering). Describe the source, quantity, duration, use and purpose of the water <br />use and if a DNR water appropriation permit is required. Describe any well abandonment. If <br />connecting to an existing municipal water supply, identify the wells to be used as a water <br />source and any effects on, or required expansion of, municipal water infrastructure. Discuss <br />environmental effects from water appropriation, including an assessment of the water <br />resources available for appropriation. Identify any measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate <br />environmental effects from the water appropriation. <br />iii)Surface Waters <br />a)Wetlands: Describe any anticipated physical effects or alterations to wetland features <br />such as draining, filling, permanent inundation, dredging and vegetative removal. Discuss <br />direct and indirect environmental effects from physical modification of wetlands, <br />including the anticipated effects that any proposed wetland alterations may have to the <br />host watershed. Identify measures to avoid (e.g., available alternatives that were <br />considered), minimize, or mitigate environmental effects to wetlands. Discuss whether <br />any required compensatory wetland mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts will <br />occur in the same minor or major watershed, and identify those probable locations. <br />b)Other surface waters: Describe any anticipated physical effects or alterations to surface <br />water features (lakes, streams, ponds, intermittent channels, county/judicial ditches) such <br />as draining, filling, permanent inundation, dredging, diking, stream diversion, <br />impoundment, aquatic plant removal and riparian alteration. Discuss direct and indirect <br />environmental effects from physical modification of water features. Identify measures to <br />avoid, minimize, or mitigate environmental effects to surface water features, including in- <br />water Best Management Practices that are proposed to avoid or minimize <br />turbidity/sedimentation while physically altering the water features. Discuss how the <br />project will change the number or type of watercraft on any water body, including current <br />and projected watercraft usage. <br />10.Contamination/hazardous materials/wastes <br />A. <br />Pre-project site conditions: Describe existing contamination or potential environmental hazards <br />on or in close proximity to the project site such as soil or ground water contamination, <br />abandoned dumps, closed landfills, existing or abandoned storage tanks, and hazardous liquid or <br />gas pipelines. Discuss any potential environmental effects from pre-project site conditions that <br /> <br />