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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Mr. Sherman clarified that the portion of funding subject to loss would be the tax <br /> credits themselves if workforce housing fell below 50%. Mr. Sherman opined <br /> that MHFA and Metropolitan Council funding may continue if the affordable <br /> housing component remained as part of the project, but may be subject to either <br /> agency pro-rating their funding based on the number of overall units. If the af- <br /> fordable housing units were reduced to 20% as suggested by Councilmember <br /> McGehee, Mr. Sherman advised that would reduce the units from 80 as currently <br /> proposed to 40. Mr. Sherman noted that the purpose of tonight's discussion was <br /> to determine a comfort range from the City Council; with the developer's objec- <br /> tive to make a viable project, which they were willing to look into spreading units <br /> between both buildings and determine lender interest. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Link clarified the size of the tot <br /> lot was estimated at 1,600 square feet, approximately 55' by 30'. <br /> In referencing tonight's meeting packet that had included the June City Council <br /> meeting minutes, Councilmember Laliberte questioned staff if construction costs <br /> and/or financing for extension of Twin Lakes Parkway would require funding for <br /> that extension from the capital improvement program (CIP) rather than covered <br /> by the developer as part of their project as previously presented. <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta clarified that the Metropolitan Coun- <br /> cil's grant award included money for extension of Twin Lakes Parkway but the <br /> developer was not basing their decision on whether or not the extension was done <br /> or not. If the Parkway extension did not ultimately go forward, Mr. Bilotta ad- <br /> vised that any excess funds would go back to the Metropolitan Council since <br /> competition for funding was extensive, and the scope of the project would be <br /> changed accordingly and funds reallocated to another area. <br /> Referencing the June RCA and original Sherman project as presented, Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte questioned how many of these project components needed <br /> tweaking and what had already been addressed legally as part of the TIF "but for" <br /> analysis. <br /> Mr. Bilotta reiterated that the formal TIF application had not yet been submitted <br /> by Sherman, but would be submitted as part of the underwriting process, includ- <br /> ing the "but for" test qualifications and initiated by Sherman Associates. If and <br /> when the formal TIF application is received, Mr. Bilotta advised that the City's <br /> Financial Consultant would review the application, using the "but for" test and <br /> provide findings for presentation to the City Council, and if the project proceeded, <br /> would be one of the next steps in the process,but had yet to occur. <br /> At e et Cmbte , Memtd pojt <br /> developmentthrquescostof to beounc$4ilme0 millionerEpltusn , Shexcessran oesf$200imate,000the pe unit rwhen <br />