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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 9,2015 <br /> Page 9 <br /> ing B, he would be more comfortable. Mayor Roe noted that, if the developer <br /> could find a way to fund such a proposal and still meet the 50% threshold with <br /> mixing units, it sounded like the issue would be more problematic architecturally <br /> in designing the square footage of the individual units. <br /> Mr. Sherman concurred with Mayor Roe's statement regarding design work, and <br /> expressed appreciation for this dialogue tonight to respect neighborhood concerns <br /> and develop a project that was workable for the City and developer. Mr. Sherman <br /> noted that, if the City Council's consensus was to move the project forward, his <br /> team would take a look at requested design and funding changes. However, if the <br /> project was not supported by the City Council consensus as proposed with at- <br /> tempted revisions as discussed tonight, Mr. Sherman George advised that they <br /> would need to return to their lenders to determine their continued interest in fi- <br /> nancing the project. Mr. Sherman advised that lenders and the Metropolitan <br /> Council supported workforce housing in Roseville, clean-up of contaminated soils <br /> and waters with stormwater improvements, and making urban improvements. <br /> Mr. Sherman noted three areas needing to be addressed, including the City's deci- <br /> sion on extending Twin Lakes Parkway as a separate consideration; the amount of <br /> affordable housing units they would support in one building; and whether they <br /> supported gap funding participation from public funds to make the project viable. <br /> Mr. Sherman again expressed his willingness to work with lenders to further re- <br /> fine finances by changing the percentage of affordable units and mixing them be- <br /> tween the two proposed buildings if the City Council supported the project in <br /> general. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Sherman confirmed that the requested TIF was <br /> what was only generated on this site, and not from any other properties within the <br /> Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area. <br /> Councilmember Willmus reviewed his tally on requested City financial assis- <br /> tance, including up to $3.5 million in TIF, $300,000 from the HRA, and credits <br /> for sewer access and water access connections (SAC and WAC). Councilmember <br /> Willmus stated that he, along with his colleagues, still was concerned about those <br /> amounts. While having supported use of TIF for residential projects having broad <br /> community support in the past, Councilmember Willmus questioned if he could <br /> do so since,based on public sentiment to-date on the project as it now stands, this <br /> development project had yet to obtain that public support. If required to make a <br /> decision tonight on whether or not to support the level of assistance being re- <br /> quested, Councilmember Willmus stated that his answer would be no. <br /> Councilmember McGehee echoed the comments of Councilmember Willmus, and <br /> questioned if workforce housing was reduced from 50% to 20% and spread be- <br /> tween the two proposed buildings, whether or not some of the secured funding <br /> would be lost. <br />