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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9,2015 <br /> Page 13 <br /> nificant grants from and the support of other government agencies, he felt they <br /> owed that process a chance to see if the project could work before having to re- <br /> turn the money to those agencies for a competing project in another community, <br /> since this represented a significant award for Roseville and the proposed devel- <br /> opment project, while providing a way to increase workforce housing in Rose- <br /> ville. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked Mr. Sherman to address the changes in building <br /> rental unit percentages and make-up and the total costs between the previous <br /> presentation in June and tonight's meeting. <br /> Mr. Sherman recalled that the total cost at over $40 million had not changes; and <br /> the project's units had changed based on underground versus surface parking, in- <br /> creased construction costs of$140,000 per unit, as well as land costs per unit of <br /> approximately $20,000 and other costs for soft costs (e.g. financing) and site <br /> clean-up. Mr. Sherman advised that they would provide updated proformas to <br /> staff for further analysis and dissemination to the City Council. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Dwayne Metz, Mildred Drive (across from the lake) <br /> Mr. Metz opined that the lake and park are the gems of this community and need- <br /> ed to be protected at all costs. Mr. Metz further opined that the proposed location <br /> of this project did not serve to protect the lake. <br /> Jeff Hagen, 5976 S Owasso Blvd. <br /> Mr. Hagen clarified that his mother was the current owner of the property in ques- <br /> tion in Roseville. Mr. Hagen noted that this redevelopment had been under dis- <br /> cussion for over ten years,but it just continued to drag on. While recognizing that <br /> there was some concern by the City Council, Mr. Hagen opined that there was al- <br /> so obvious agreement that it was preferable to turn this land from a trucking ter- <br /> minal into something of value to the City of Roseville that would increase its tax <br /> base. Mr. Hagen suggested the question should be whether the City Council was <br /> fully comfortable with the current use or how soon it wanted to move to the next <br /> phase in redeveloping the properties. Mr. Hagen opined that further delay for <br /> more time would be advantageous to the community. <br /> Kathleen Erickson, Centennial Drive <br /> Ms. Erickson referenced an e-mail she had sent to the City Council earlier today, <br /> and clarified that she had no qualms that there was a need for more housing in the <br /> area. However, Ms. Erickson opined that this was not the right location for this <br /> type of housing, not whether it was market or affordable rate housing,but because <br /> of the proposed significant impacts to the adjacent single-family residential <br /> neighborhood. While appreciating the drone shots presented by the developer, <br /> Ms. Erickson questioned how representative it was to those residential properties <br /> when one of the buildings was proposed to be located closest to the roadway from <br />