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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 14 <br /> existing commercial buildings and especially with the four story height, a first in <br /> Roseville. Ms. Erickson stated that she was not opposed to development of the <br /> Twin Lakes area, and not having anything against Sherman Associates, and desir- <br /> ous of a successful development, she would support such a development further <br /> west on the other side of the lake where similar buildings already existed. Ms. Er- <br /> ickson noted that the "Dorso" site would still provide for access to the park, <br /> which was an amenity the existing single-family neighborhood also valued and <br /> used frequently as a meeting place providing a natural area for them in an urban <br /> setting. Ms. Erickson stated that residents enjoyed nature, but they didn't want to <br /> see the proposed units increase and negatively impact the day-to-day quality of <br /> life for existing residents, whether or not the development was tied to extension of <br /> Twin Lakes Parkway. Ms. Erickson opined that extending the Parkway would <br /> only serve to create more traffic bottlenecks in the area; and asked that the devel- <br /> opment would serve to benefit the neighborhood that they loved. <br /> Bob Patient,3049 Shorewood Lane <br /> As a newer resident to Roseville, Mr. Patient advised that his concern was in the <br /> height of the proposed building and increased traffic on Fairview Avenue. Mr. <br /> Patient opined that the intersections of Lydia Avenue and County Road D at Fair- <br /> view Avenue already presented a bottleneck, as well as at Lincoln Drive. Mr. Pa- <br /> tient recognized that Fairview Avenue and several other roadways were under the <br /> jurisdiction of Ramsey County and therefore the City was limited in what could <br /> be done,he stated that residents did not want more cars there. <br /> Mr. Patient noted the proposed closure of Wheeler Street at County Road D and <br /> proposed assessments to benefitting properties, and suggested that since this was <br /> of benefit to the entire community beyond the immediate neighborhood, the taxes <br /> be spread city-wide. Mr. Patient suggested that any other costs for this specific <br /> redevelopment project should also be taxed city-wide as only zeroing in only on <br /> properties adjacent to the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area for any assessments. <br /> Lisa McCormack,Wheeler Street <br /> As a member of the neighborhood association, Ms. McCormack seconded the <br /> comments of Ms. Erickson, but clarified that she was speaking as a resident also. <br /> Ms. McCormack stated that the neighbors were open and desirous of a successful <br /> project, but questioned confidence in the success of the project as proposed. Ms. <br /> McCormack noted one point of contention for the neighborhood was the lack of <br /> awareness provided in the past, and their knowledge only coming forward well af- <br /> ter the previously referenced June meeting. Ms. McCormack noted that the <br /> neighbors had considerable concern with the proposed location, since they con- <br /> sidered this condensed area of 500 single-family homes as a gateway into Rose- <br /> ville. Ms. McCormack advised that, once the neighbors became aware of the pro- <br /> posed project, they had looked at multiple studies and factors playing into wheth- <br /> er or not such a project could be successful, since it affected the long-term stabil- <br /> ity of the existing neighborhood. <br />