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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 20 <br /> even through creating a moratorium on development to determine what made <br /> sense. Under the current setting, Chair Maschka noted that it seemed the City <br /> Council and community continued to react to proposed developments and that <br /> situation continued to create a nightmare situation for neighbors and the City <br /> Council. Chair Maschka questioned and suggested City Council discussion at <br /> their upcoming retreat for the possibility of again seeking a master developer <br /> under city control for this area. <br /> • Chair Maschka noted the need to address the changing nature of retail, using <br /> the Har Mar Mall as an example of the bar for new tenants being lowered ra- <br /> ther than raised. Chair Maschka noted another change in the retail landscape <br /> was internet retail and the bricks and mortar retail moving toward experiential <br /> aspects. Chair Maschka suggested further discussion with Rosedale as to how <br /> they saw themselves fitting in the community as the "Golden Goose" as part <br /> of that consideration. <br /> • Chair Maschka noted the need to review and reconsider the overall entire <br /> transportation aspect for Roseville and area access, including other agencies <br /> and jurisdictions (e.g. MnDOT) in how to improve that in order for Roseville <br /> to remain successful. <br /> • Chair Maschka noted that the Har Mar Mall area provided great opportunities <br /> with land and space for a transportation corridor;but questioned impacts if the <br /> bookstore and grocery store move out as tenants. Chair Maschka suggested <br /> future impacts the City Council may wish to consider, similar to Brooklyn <br /> Park's West Side as one possibility. <br /> Chair Maschka opined that the City Council, once it determined its priorities and <br /> metrics, could then direct staff on where they saw the City going and how to get <br /> there, and what roles they saw for the HRA to play. Chair Maschka noted the <br /> need for how to provide gap financing, with the Sherman project as a prime ex- <br /> ample of that need. Chair Maschka opined that he saw this as an exciting time <br /> with the need to address the SE corridor housing and exploring funding opportu- <br /> nities. Whether the City Council decided it needed to establish an Economic De- <br /> velopment Authority (EDA) and whether or not that consisted of the HRA or the <br /> City Council, Chair Maschka asked that the HRA be told what to do and where to <br /> go, expressing the HRA's collective excitement and willingness to follow their <br /> lead. <br /> Discussion <br /> Specific to Southeast Roseville, Mayor Roe noted some ideas he and Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte had heard at the recent LMC community engagement focus. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he'd already preliminarily reached out to the Mayor or <br /> Maplewood on how those efforts may proceed and advised that he would bring up <br /> those ideas at the City Council's retreat. Mayor Roe noted the need for the City <br /> Council to talk about the process, and make sure residents, landlords, neighbors, <br />