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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Chair Maschka reviewed 2014 work plan goals and those completed or ongoing <br /> as well as those yet to be completed, as detailed in Attachment D to the RCA. Af- <br /> ter the City Council completes their upcoming retreat, Chair Maschka advised that <br /> the HRA would revise their strategic plan and HRA roles for presentation to the <br /> City Council to make sure they were partnering collectively. Chair Maschka <br /> spoke to those projects that the HRA had been able to undertake and thereby re- <br /> lieve the City Council of that responsibility, including the successful and well- <br /> received residential and commercial neighborhood enhancement programs (NEP), <br /> and educational aspects of that program and success of the associated abatement <br /> program in improving overall code enforcement and livability of the community. <br /> Chair Maschka expressed his appreciation of how the rental registration and li- <br /> censing program was proceeding, and successful use of the housing replacement <br /> program for redevelopment of a parcel on Hamline Avenue and future considera- <br /> tion of whether or not this could become a revenue-neutral project going forward. <br /> Chair Maschka recognized the lessons learned and delays with the Dale Street <br /> Project, which would be on the HRA's agenda at their upcoming February meet- <br /> ing and options to 1) do nothing, 2) extend deadlines, or 3) change or end the pro- <br /> j ect. <br /> Chair Maschka referenced the business retention aspect of the HRA and favorable <br /> responses from the designated business page in the City's newsletter and other ef- <br /> forts within the community. <br /> Chair Maschka expressed his disappointment in the recent completion of the <br /> Southeast Roseville Study with results based on social aspects and not providing <br /> sufficient information to clarify next steps. <br /> From the HRA perspective, Chair Maschka stated major areas for City Council <br /> consideration in establishing priorities: <br /> • SE Corridor and jurisdictional issues <br /> Chair Maschka noted a number of programs available for the City to deal with <br /> housing issues, which was a major problem. Chair Maschka noted further <br /> discussion was needed to determine if outside consultation was needed to de- <br /> termine solutions and identify funding mechanisms and how they could work. <br /> • Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area <br /> Chair Maschka opined that it seemed like this issue had been around forever, <br /> and questioned if the dream was alive or dead. Chair Maschka suggested the <br /> need to step back, since the synergy for the original community vision was no <br /> longer there. However based on interviews with business owners in that area <br /> as part of business retention efforts, Chair Maschka noted that they were very <br /> successful, causing him to question if more concentration should be given to <br /> building a business/industrial area and give up on the housing issues, perhaps <br />