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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Regarding priorities listed by Chair Maschka, Mayor Roe agreed with the south- <br /> east Roseville and Twin Lakes redevelopment as needing immediate prioritiza- <br /> tion, but suggested Har Mar Mall and Rosedale were farther out, recognizing that <br /> the recent rezoning of Har Mar Mall was intended as part of a future vision. <br /> Mayor Roe note that he and Councilmember Laliberte had preliminarily discussed <br /> the value in marketing Roseville to the development community to take advantage <br /> of infill development opportunities, and make connections and build relationships <br /> now to take advantage of future options. Mayor Roe noted that there may be a <br /> need to outsource this specialized work versus expecting that expertise from in- <br /> house staff. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with Councilmember Etten's comments regarding the City <br /> Council's willingness to step up, but clarified that even with bonding unless via a <br /> TIF revenue bond as used in Twin Lakes, there was no free money and money <br /> was either coming from the project generating an increment or from taxpayers. <br /> While there was always reluctance to do something that would impact taxpayers, <br /> Mayor Roe noted that realistically there would need to be some impact to taxpay- <br /> ers, and everyone needed to be on board when decisions were made even though <br /> individuals had their personal points of view. <br /> Chair Maschka addressed the advantages of revenue bonds that could lock in cur- <br /> rent interest rates now that may not come along again for a long time; thus the <br /> HRA's interest in having those discussion with bond counsel. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the HRA didn't have too much on their <br /> plate; to which Chair Maschka concurred. <br /> In terms of a partnership between the HRA and City Council, Councilmember <br /> McGehee opined that the City Council didn't have enough things of significant <br /> value on its plate. Councilmember McGehee opined that the City Council needed <br /> to step up to the plate when something came along that would raise versus lower- <br /> ing the bar of overall benefit to the City of Roseville in general. However, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee opined that, in the past, the City had done a number of <br /> things that had not raised the bar or been helpful to long-term development, and <br /> therefore were not the right thing to do. <br /> As part of the City Council retreat discussion, Councilmember McGehee stated <br /> that she wanted to address the reason Roseville had a bad reputation in the devel- <br /> opment community due to not having a viable process in place and a vision that <br /> invited all discussion with everyone pulling in the same direction. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee expressed her enthusiasm for the Dale Street Project process, which <br /> she found to be amazing and credited the HRA for the time and effort spent pur- <br /> suing that outcome, and result that no one in the community told the City Council <br /> not to spend TIF money on the project. Councilmember McGehee noted that, <br /> even with unexpected delays with the project, residents continued to support the <br />