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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 9,2015 <br /> Page 26 <br /> repeatedly anecdotally from the community that the missing piece was for transi- <br /> tional housing: not senior or assisted living, but middle-level housing for those <br /> moving from single-family homes with maintenance to those not having outside <br /> maintenance to address. Councilmember Laliberte opined that the City needed to <br /> be proactive in finding places in Roseville for that infill housing option, which <br /> was currently lacking. While the City had several options (e.g. Lexington Apart- <br /> ments and Overlook Drive), they were insufficient to serve the current and grow- <br /> ing demographics and didn't turn over very fast, thus causing the community to <br /> lose good members of the community elsewhere. <br /> HRA Member Lee agreed with those comments. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that when the rezoning was revised, a lot of HDR was included, <br /> and it may be time to review those designations. <br /> HRA Member Wall encouraged the City Council, at their upcoming retreat, to <br /> look outward and look big, even to the point of being outrageous. Member Wall <br /> opined that the City needed to find a way to get things done, and differentiate Ro- <br /> seville from competing communities and seek opportunities to expand its tax <br /> base. Member Wall suggested that the City Council agree on two things they <br /> wanted the HRA to accomplish yet this year, tell the HRA, and they would build <br /> their strategy on that directive. While recognizing that the HRA did have a lot on <br /> its plate, Member Wall opined that it could pick and choose its projects or focus, <br /> and by the end of 2015 should be able to have several projects accomplished with <br /> measurable ends. <br /> Member Wall encouraged the City Council to not be afraid to talk to major devel- <br /> opers and corporate CEO's for their ideas for high-end executive housing, a con- <br /> tinued need for Roseville. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that a key part was how to measure success in what was being <br /> done or attempted, which he found to be a missing component in the past in using <br /> strategic planning. <br /> Member Wall opined that this was a responsibility to come back to taxpayers with <br /> results of what was being accomplished with their money. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 8:42 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 8:48 p.m. <br /> 12. Public Hearings <br /> 13. Budget Items <br /> 14. Business Items (Action Items) <br />