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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9,2015 <br /> Page 34 <br /> ing to be used, Councilmember Laliberte advised that she would want to ensure <br /> that there was only one vote per IP address or that you could only weigh in once <br /> and therefore not succumb to the 80/20 rule that could come into play and skew <br /> conversations. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked staff why CivicPlus did not provide a proposal. <br /> Mr. Bowman responded that the CivicPlus module was bare bones and not <br /> standalone like this module; and while introducing CivicPlus to the Request for <br /> Information, they did not request additional information or to be included in the <br /> RFP process. <br /> Mr. Bowman advised that this module allowed the City to turn off or on which <br /> ever function they chose on the module, opining that this provided a value aspect. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, given the pending issues and questions raised tonight (e.g. <br /> moderation, staff time, research of other customer and city experiences), this item <br /> needed to come back for further consideration and potential action. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte also asked for additional analytics from the City's web- <br /> site and what residents are using, which should provide information on what resi- <br /> dents may or may not be interested in weighing in on. <br /> When researching other communities, Councilmember McGehee asked staff to <br /> bring back information on external moderation options in an effort to understand <br /> the pros and cons of whether to moderate internally or externally. <br /> If individual Councilmembers had additional items for follow-up, Mayor Roe <br /> suggested they advise staff off line before the next presentation. <br /> 15. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> a. Request by the Community Development Department for Council to Review <br /> and Comment on: Proposed Ordinance Revisions to Roseville's Rental Li- <br /> cense Ordinance (City Code Chapter 908) and a Policy Regarding Memo- <br /> randums of Understanding <br /> Codes Coordinator Don Munson introduced this request for revision to the ordi- <br /> nance, Chapter 908 based on practical application and use in the field. Mr. Mun- <br /> son introduced Dave Englund and Jan Rosemeyer in the audience who were also <br /> involved in the rental licensing program. <br /> Curfew Extension <br /> At 9:58, McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, extending the meeting beyond the 10:00 p.m. cur- <br /> few to complete discussion of this item. <br />