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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 5 <br /> brief background of the development team, proceeded with the presentation, along <br /> with Mr. Wilson. <br /> Link Wilson, Kaas Wilson Architects <br /> Mr. Wilson noted the location of the two buildings, as well as a small retail com- <br /> ponent proposed as part of the development. <br /> Mr. Wilson advised that the latest parking design exceeded City requirements, <br /> and incorporated additional green space as part of the site's stormwater manage- <br /> ment improvements and other site amenities; and expressed their willingness to <br /> continue work with staff on any revisions or reductions to the surface parking at <br /> staff's discretion. Mr. Wilson noted that current plans provided 72 underground <br /> parking spaces and 56 surface stalls as part of Phase I of the project, as well as a <br /> tot lot,bike racks and entrance drop offs. <br /> Mr. Sherman reviewed interior amenities of the buildings, clarifying that while <br /> the project was originally intended as a phased project, it would now be proposed <br /> as one development anticipating construction of both apartment buildings within <br /> the same eighteen month period. <br /> Mr. Sherman noted the current use of the property with significant asphalt and <br /> drainage to wetlands to the west compared to the proposed redevelopment efforts <br /> that would serve to clean up water and provide stormwater retention within the <br /> property boundaries. Mr. Sherman noted their company's pride and history in <br /> long-term ownership and management of their properties, as well as incorporating <br /> ongoing energy efficiency efforts for their construction projects. <br /> At today's costs, Mr. Sherman advised that each unit would cost approximately <br /> $140,000 to build, a comparable price to a single-family home, and based on con- <br /> struction costs, the quality of exterior and interior products used and long-term <br /> maintenance designed into the units from sprinklers, high energy furnaces and ap- <br /> pliance. Mr. Sherman noted that the housing industry's changing demographics <br /> were making rentals more in demand across the country, creating their own <br /> unique mini-communities. <br /> Mr. Sherman reviewed the City's priorities as outlined in the 2013 Maxfield Re- <br /> search Housing Study as compared to their proposed development in meeting <br /> those priorities. Mr. Sherman reviewed the market rate and workforce affordable <br /> housing units proposed and rental rates for those units, all broadening the range of <br /> housing options for Roseville. <br /> Mr. Sherman reviewed the behind-the-scenes activities undertaken by the devel- <br /> oper over the last six months and resulting financing commitments and grant <br /> awards to support this housing project as well as the separate Twin Lakes Park- <br />