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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 6 <br /> way extension for the City of Roseville, representing a total commitment from <br /> other government agencies of close to $6 million. <br /> At the request of Mr. Sherman, Mr. Link briefly reviewed exterior architectural <br /> designs; as well as providing section cuts from a drone that showed site lines for <br /> the broader neighborhood and distance from existing single-family homes, signi- <br /> fying the developer's sensitivity to the neighborhood in being the least impactful <br /> as possible given the higher density of this type of housing and required height of <br /> the buildings. <br /> Council Questions <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted differences between the site plan included in the <br /> agenda packet and as part of tonight's presentation, and asked the developer to <br /> explain the differences specific to egress and ingress along with underground <br /> parking. <br /> Mr. Link advised that during survey work with the developer's professional civil <br /> engineer and architects, the project had been revised due to significant grade is- <br /> sues for the underground parking. Mr. Link noted that this latest design created <br /> more of a flat plain for entering the garage almost at grade, and thus provided <br /> more green space and surface parking stalls. If further revision was requested, <br /> Mr. Link expressed the developer's willingness to cooperate as the design came <br /> closer to formal submission. <br /> When discussions for this project originated in 2013, Councilmember Willmus <br /> noted that the proposal was for 100% market rate units as referenced in the Met- <br /> ropolitan Council's Section 12 of the grant application, and questioned when that <br /> discrepancy had come into play and the project to include affordable housing <br /> units, and whether it was after neighborhood input. <br /> Mr. Sherman advised that he didn't recall a discussion that included intents for <br /> 100%market rates units without consulting with his staff,but his recollection was <br /> when presenting to the Roseville Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA), <br /> the project had targeted a portion of the units for affordable housing. Mr. Sher- <br /> man again expressed his confusion, but related his understanding from the meet- <br /> ing in July of 2013 with the HRA that the project always included a mix of work <br /> force and market rate units. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that Mr. Sherman's recollection was similar to <br /> his, and questioned the discrepancy on the Metropolitan Council grant applica- <br /> tion; asking that someone from the development team provide a response in the <br /> near future to staff to disseminate to the City Council. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with the questions raised by Councilmember <br /> Willmus and that the project had been presented as a market rate project, which <br /> would have been one of the first such developments in Roseville. With the appar- <br />