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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 23,2015 <br /> Page 10 <br /> • Questioned if the study looked at proposed modifications with one-direction <br /> turn lanes on some intersections if only for right-turns and if that was taken in- <br /> to account as a potential mitigation, as opposed to both right- and left-turns <br /> • Comments by Mr. Vaughn in follow-up that few regional trips were expected <br /> to use Twin Lakes Parkway; opining that it sounded like that was based on ex- <br /> isting data without development; and questioned how speculations could be <br /> accurate with any certainty if there was no development now and what future <br /> traffic would do. <br /> Tim Callaghan,3062 Shorewood Lane <br /> Mr. Callaghan noted that the study showed that Twin Lakes Parkway was needed <br /> to relieve congestion on County Road C. However, Mr. Callaghan opined that the <br /> study didn't look at the major problem for County Road C with constriction down <br /> to two lanes for a 3/4 mile section directly adjacent to the City Hall campus, which <br /> had been a four-lane road for some time,but suddenly constricted. Mr. Callaghan <br /> questioned if that had been done at the City's request, opining that it caused con- <br /> siderable congestion, and suggested it be expanded to its original four lanes. <br /> Mr. Callaghan agreed with the comments of Ms. McCormack <br /> kf inno npot <br /> making <br /> tngupasas- <br /> sumptions of six lanes on Snelling Avenue, as he wasaware <br /> e <br /> that corridor, and he was under <br /> a dearthe impressionthatwhent Snelling A venueowas n at cur- <br /> rent conditions. Mr. Callaghan <br /> opined <br /> recon- <br /> structed at 1-694, it had a major impact on Fairview Avenue; and suggested that <br /> be addressed in the study. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe for clarification, Mr. Callaghan opined that during <br /> the two-year construction period, traffic from Lydia Avenue up Fairview Avenue <br /> increased by 50%; and the traffic measurement provided in this report was the <br /> lowest he'd seen in the last year, suggesting it was due to snowbirds being gone. <br /> Mr. Callaghan expressed curiosity in whether traffic measured on Fairview Ave- <br /> nue was consistent with Ramsey County study measurements done last fall, since <br /> there was no reference provided to that. Mr. Callaghan expressed further curiosi- <br /> ty with how this study matches up with that done by the University of Northwest- <br /> ern that should have been filed with the City as part of their required Planned Unit <br /> Development campus build-out. <br /> In proposing three lanes from Fairview Avenue to County Road D, Mr. Callaghan <br /> questioned if sufficient land was available, opining that traffic circles were huge <br /> and he didn't know where they'd get the land for it. Mr. Callaghan further opined <br /> that the Presbyterian Homes building at Fairview Avenue and County Road D <br /> impacts that intersection dramatically; and expressed his suspicion that there was <br /> not sufficient room for what is being proposed. <br /> Bartley Bloom, Bent Brewstillery , 1744 Terrace Drive <br />