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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 23,2015 <br /> Page 9 <br /> provements as well. However, Mr. Culver noted that a Regional Traffic Impact <br /> Fee was more difficult to justify,probably impacting why it failed. <br /> Mayor Roe further clarified thatlt ftheer that failure to Minnesota Statutelement Chapteh429 assessment <br /> ose fees, it was <br /> the City's decision to proceed w <br /> process to demonstrate benefits to properties with infrastructure improvement. <br /> Regarding 1-35W managed lane improvements, Mayor Roe sought additional in- <br /> formation as to the status of those intended improvements. <br /> d <br /> in <br /> Mr. Vaughn responded that the <br /> due diligencetwas and analysisl h d beenperformedto <br /> most recent plans, but proper <br /> determine that it provided a positive impact on the transportation system, and <br /> should be next in line for improvements. Mr. Vaughn noted the improvements <br /> found already with the work on the I-35E, 1-494 and Highway 62 managed lanes <br /> in mitigating system issues. <br /> While not sure of the status of that study, Mr. Lux noted that MnDOT indicated <br /> the managed lanes would be built by 2019. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mayor Roe opened discussion for public comment at 7:08 p.m., reviewing proto- <br /> col, and the intent to respond to questions tonight or at subsequent meetings as <br /> applicable. <br /> LisaMcCormick,Wheeler Street <br /> Ms. McCormickexPressed appreciation for the presentation, and listed a number <br /> of questions: <br /> • Sought further clarification of changes referenced to the regional transporta- <br /> tion system (page 4 of the SRF Report) and clarification if that included I- <br /> 35W construction as early as 2019 and when proposed for completion <br /> • Rationale in and accountability for indicating a 15%decrease(page 4) <br /> • Clarify the table that Fairview and Lydia are currently operating at a Level B <br /> (page 7) <br /> • Applied 15%reduction to account for two regional )stributions if more than a multi-use <br /> e 13) and <br /> the expanded rationale for that calculated reduction, <br /> trip and potential traffic generation <br /> • Assumptions relying on two additional lanes on Snelling Avenue and if that <br /> was programmed, or when expected to occur <br /> • Table 7: Snelling Avenue level of service indicated at F and improving to E <br /> that still seems unacceptable, and whether other mitigation efforts were ac- <br /> ceptable in that area <br /> • If modifications are not made to Snelling Avenue, and diversion flowing to al- <br /> ternate routes, when that was anticipated <br />