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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 23, 2015 <br /> Page 16 <br /> with future conditions, again human nature supporting traveling in the path of <br /> least resistance. <br /> b. Update on the Owasso School Site Development <br /> Community Development Director Paul Bilotta provided preliminary information <br /> on the status of this project and negotiations to-date by the School District with <br /> United Properties. Mr. Bilotta introduced United Properties President Bryan Car- <br /> ey, School Board Consultant John Shardlow with Stantec, and noted that School <br /> Superintendent Dr. John Thein was also in tonight's audience. Mi. Bilotta briefly <br /> reviewed the background of this development proposal, and unique situation with <br /> the School District owing and the City wishing to negotiate purchase of the adja- <br /> cent ballfields. While not yet in contract negotiations, Mr. Bilotta suggested the <br /> City Council may wish to set up a subcommittee going forward in the near future <br /> for initial negotiations. <br /> Mr. Shardlow reviewed the process to-date from the School Board's perspective, <br /> and developers contacted but ultimately indicating they were unable to make <br /> market rate housing units work on that site, and alternative products considered <br /> for the site prior to settling on United Properties for the current proposal. <br /> Bryan Carey,United Properties <br /> Mr. Carey reviewed current plans for another development at a site adjacent to <br /> Lexington Avenue and Woodhill Drive called Cherrywood Pointe, with plans to <br /> break ground later this summer. During discussions about that project, Mr. Carey <br /> advised that City Manager Trudgeon had suggested that United also look at the <br /> School District site, and after meeting with Community Development and HRA <br /> staff, they made it clear that the City had strong interest in keeping the ball fields. <br /> While the City expressed their interest in United exploring market rate apar intents <br /> and affordable senior apartments, Mr. Carey advised that to build affordable sen- <br /> ior housing it would require significant subsidies greater than the 4% tax credit <br /> available or TIF. Mr. Carey advised that originally they had thought it was a win- <br /> win solution to take TIF from the Cherrywood project and allocate it to the af- <br /> fordable apartments, he noted that upon further review it was decided not to pur- <br /> sue that option, and reviewed some of the reasons that decision was ultimately <br /> made. <br /> After further review, Mr. Carey advised that other options were considered that <br /> also fell short or were not economically viable even with TIF applied to the site, <br /> resulting the current proposal consistent with their past developments at Apple- <br /> wood Pointe for a senior cooperative that had sold out early in its planning stages <br /> or completion. Mr. Carey expressed their confidence in this housing option at this <br /> site, and continued success of such options in surrounding communities and other <br /> areas in the metropolitan area. Mr. Carey advised that United planned a survey of <br /> area residents for their interest in the near future. <br />