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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 23, 2015 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Mr. Stockwell advised that he had met with the architects and reputable builder <br /> chosen by GMHC and seen other models of their construction; and spoke in sup- <br /> port of their work. Mr. Stockwell opined that, from his perspective, it seemed <br /> premature to stop the process now even though it had been unexpectedly delayed, <br /> especially now that the project is ready to move forward. Mr. Stockwell urged the <br /> City Council to not take the City Manager's recommendation to cancel, but con- <br /> tinue on with the project. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that last week, Ms. Olson had alluded to infor- <br /> mation on an alternative plan for 18 units that would be built one at a time; and <br /> asked that she elaborate on that option, as well as her choice of timing in provid- <br /> ing that alternate plan. <br /> Ms. Olson deferred to GMHC Director of Construction Bill Buelow for a re- <br /> sponse. <br /> GMHC Director of Construction,BM Buelow <br /> Some concern and angst about the originally proposed project and apparent lack <br /> of faith in the single-family homes not selling, Mr. Buelow Sensing advised that <br /> the team had developed another plan that didn't require as much site work as the <br /> first option, and for construction of one-level homes on the site. Mr. Buelow not- <br /> ed that the phasing for that construction option would be the same as proposed in <br /> the original proposal to start along Cope Avenue, but with construction ongoing <br /> with no anticipated delay to ensure financing was in place. <br /> Ms. Olson clarified that this would require taking down the entire site at once, and <br /> involve ponding versus extra sewer and underground tank costs for storm sewer <br /> management. <br /> Mr. Buelow noted that this option was more conservative and would not provide <br /> as unique or interesting of a plan, but would require less site and utility work and <br /> be more streamlined. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that his rationale in asking this question was <br /> based on his attendance at the February 17 HRA meeting, and discussion that the <br /> original project in three phases may take up to 3 —4 construction seasons to com- <br /> plete. Councilmember Willmus asked GMHC representatives what difference <br /> they saw with the option for eighteen units. <br /> Mr. Buelow responded that Mr. McNamara from Western Bank may wish to re- <br /> spond, as those units had already received appraisals and that unit type already <br /> approved in the appraisal on hand. Therefore, Mr. Buelow opined it should be a <br /> quicker process, and as units were sold the financing set-up would keep rolling, <br />