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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 23, 2015 <br /> Page 28 <br /> project last Friday, he had not fully evaluated that option yet, even though he saw <br /> no problem with it. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked Mr. McNamara what timeframe he foresaw to final- <br /> ize the bank's commitment to the first phase of six homes. <br /> Mr. McNamara responded that it would remain similar to initial discussions, with <br /> the bank committed in general to funding the overall project provided some pre- <br /> sale agreement were in place for Phase II at the appropriate time; and the bank <br /> committed to proceed with Phase I without any pre-sales to prime the market. <br /> Mr. McNamara noted that for Phase II, the bank would want to see three of the six <br /> units committed to, but reminded the City Council that they'd know that prior to <br /> moving forward, and GMHC and Western would return with more details at the <br /> discretion of the City Council. Mr. McNamara advised that submittals by GMHC <br /> to Western on specificity or guidelines was nearing completion for each phase and <br /> subsequent bank approval; and within 2-4 weeks he anticipated the remaining <br /> items could be worked through to approve concepts for Phases II and III. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned GMHC if the 18 home proposal would involve <br /> the same unit designs or if they would vary some. <br /> Mr. Buelow responded that they would be similar, with some units smaller or <br /> having different options as they responded to comments from buyers, but in gen- <br /> eral start with the same concept. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Buelow confirmed that there would <br /> still be a master association for the properties. <br /> Specific to phasing, Mayor Roe noted that talk had revolved around the 18 unit <br /> single level proposal; and asked what variation there was from the original 25 <br /> unit proposal with different types of housing stock; and how that played out for <br /> the bank's commitment since there appeared to be two different approached. <br /> Ms. Olson noted that GMHC planned to pre-sell the single family units as the <br /> townhomes were being built. <br /> Mr. McNamara responded that the challenge was that there was considerable dif- <br /> ference in site improvements with the alley concept for the first proposal; and <br /> GMHC and the City would need to make that decision quickly on which project <br /> was intended, noting a considerable amount of the site work and cost structure on <br /> Phases II and III were involved in Phase I of the first proposal. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. McNamara noted that the original project ini- <br /> tially contemplated six townhomes and four single-family homes as Phase I, with <br /> other housing types for the remaining phases. If the decision was to continue with <br />