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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 23, 2015 <br /> Page 31 <br /> Laliberte moved, Willmus seconded, to NOT move forward with the City <br /> Manager's recommendation. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan suggested language in the motion be stated as listed in the <br /> RCA (lines 35 — 36), clarifying the City's participation only extending to convey- <br /> ing property to the HRA. Mr. Gaughan noted it was important that this proposed <br /> motion not indicate that GMHC was authorized to undertake any action beyond <br /> their own voluntary efforts, and that the City was under no contractual obligations <br /> with them at this time. <br /> Further discussion included timing for a joint meeting; actions of the HRA at their <br /> February 17 meeting to table action until a full contingent of board members was <br /> available. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Rich Schlueter,794 Lovell Avenue W <br /> Mr. Schlueter opined that he, and probably the entire neighborhood, would feel <br /> affronted if the process were stopped cold at this point and not within the spirit of <br /> what was trying to be achieved, especially when he found GMHC's second option <br /> as a win-win for all parties, even though it appeared to come out of nowhere. <br /> Whatever the next steps are, Mr. Schlueter opined that the neighborhood would <br /> appreciate the opportunity to express their opinion for either option, and while he <br /> could somewhat envision what the 18 unit proposal may look like, he would pre- <br /> fer to see a model before a decision was made. Even though Councilmember <br /> McGehee alluded to support by the neighborhood for the 18 unit proposal, Mr. <br /> Schlueter noted that this was the first he'd heard of it, and suspected that was the <br /> case with many of his neighbors as well; and while it sounded great,he would like <br /> them to have the opportunity to express their opinion on either or both proposals. <br /> Grady Matwood, 841 Lovell Avenue <br /> Mr. Matwood echoed the comments of Mr. Schlueter, noting the fair amount of <br /> cynicism expressed at the initial community meetings, with neighbors being un- <br /> sure of the City's motives but pleased their opinions were apparently being re- <br /> spected. Mr. Matwood noted the changed atmosphere at the end of that process, <br /> with the neighborhood 100% supportive of the 25-unit development being pro- <br /> posed. However, since those meetings ended, Mr. Matwood opined that the <br /> neighborhood had not been re-engaged by the City Council in the process, and he <br /> would definitely appreciate the opportunity to be involved and hear options mov- <br /> ing forward to get past this stalemate. Mr. Matwood asked that he and the neigh- <br /> borhood be kept in the loop and retain a voice in the whole process, since the <br /> neighbors had a vested interest in the outcome. <br /> Motion Restated <br /> Laliberte moved, Willmus seconded, to NOT move forward with the City <br /> Manager's recommendation to withdraw City participation in the Dale <br /> Street project. <br />