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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/6/2015 10:53:14 AM
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3/6/2015 10:41:12 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 23, 2015 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked Mr. Lux for his attendance, and asked if any <br /> conversations had been held about County Road C and Lincoln Drive at Snelling <br /> Avenue <br /> Mr. Lux responded that discussion had not yet occurred, even though some dis- <br /> cussion of a westbound right-turn lane on Snelling had been discussed only con- <br /> ceptually and as additional capacity improvements were needed. Due to the rail- <br /> road location, Mr. Lux noted that there wasn't a lot that Ramsey County could do; <br /> and further noted that the intersection of Lincoln Drive was difficult due to its <br /> proximity to Snelling Avenue and efficiently time signals, creating ongoing is- <br /> sues. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked how effective a roundabout would be at the five- <br /> leg intersection at New Brighton and Lake Johanna Boulevards versus waiting <br /> several more years and realigning the intersection after land acquisition. <br /> Mr. Lux opined that it would be efficient, and only create some issues with nearby <br /> driveways, but once resolved would operate well, with only a small investment <br /> required to acquire additional rights-of-way. However, at this time, Mr. Lux ad- <br /> vised that Ramsey County did not have the ability to model it. <br /> Mr. Mr. Vaughn agreed with Mr. Lux's assessment of that intersection, opining <br /> that given the existing traffic of that intersection, any additional traffic control (a <br /> signal or roundabout) would work. Having a broader or more regional transporta- <br /> tion view, Mr. Mr. Vaughn opined that right-of-way acquisition would be much <br /> more critical, unless a decision was made to reduce the intersection to a 4-legged <br /> intersection and make modifications to tie it in, which he thought could be done. <br /> Mr. Vaughn noted a roundabout would introduce lower speeds, and would prove a <br /> good solution at that location. <br /> Regarding timing of improvements, Councilmember Laliberte asked Mr. Lux how <br /> any City improvements on its interior roadway infrastructure could improve <br /> things if Roseville wasn't even on the County's plans; and asked how the two en- <br /> tities could get more in sync for things to happen in tandem. <br /> Mr. Lux advised that through City and County staff continuing to discuss and <br /> communicate these issues, with this updated study providing a more formal for- <br /> mat for the County to take notice. While nothing is currently programmed, Mr. <br /> Lux opined that didn't mean it couldn't be programmed in a relatively short time. <br /> Mr. Lux noted that funding was always a significant issue, and existing warrants <br /> (e.g. crash data) did not indicate problems at the two most problematic intersec- <br /> tions, which was incredibly good, but didn't lend an incentive to get things done <br /> from a safety funding standpoint. However, Mr. Lux reiterated that this study <br /> paved the way to get things done. <br />
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