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Further, based on this low bid, the City’s cost participation on this portion of the project <br />30 <br />increased from $158,973 to $364,818, resulting in a cost of $22.16 per cubic foot. In <br />31 <br />comparison, the stormwater management systems in last year’s Pavement Management Program <br />32 <br />located at Dellwood/Sherren and Stanbridge/Manson averaged about $8 per cubic foot of <br />33 <br />stormwater handled; these systems did not include a reuse component. <br />34 <br />Since the bids were opened, City staff has been working with the design engineers and the <br />35 <br />contractor to try to identify elements of the project that could be redesigned or removed to lower <br />36 <br />the cost of the project. We have also been in dicussions with Rice Creek Watershed and BWSR <br />37 <br />about potential additional funds. These talks continue, but due to the timing of the adjacent Park <br />38 <br />Renweal project, it necessary to take action on this element of the project while we continue to <br />39 <br />look at redesigning the system or walking away from the project altogether. <br />40 <br />Based on the low bid and the potential additional cost to the City for any cost overruns or <br />41 <br />unforeseen conditions during the project construction, as well as the coordination issues with the <br />42 <br />Park Renewal Project if we adjusted the timing or design of this proposed contract, City staff is <br />43 <br />recommending that bids for this project be rejected. <br />44 <br />City staff will continue to work with BWSR in an attempt to identify a revised project design <br />45 <br />that would not impact the ballfield work but still meet the intent of the grant funding. The grant <br />46 <br />is set to expire on December 31, 2015, therefore, assuming a timeline extension is not granted, it <br />47 <br />may not be possible to design and construct an alternative project before the funds expire. <br />48 <br />PO <br />OLICYBJECTIVE <br />49 <br />The goals of the City’s Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan are to protect the <br />50 <br />integrity of storm water conveyance channels, reduce nutrient loading and improve water quality <br />51 <br />to lakes and wetlands. City policy is to cooperate with other agencies for mutual benefit <br />52 <br />whenever possible. <br />53 <br />FI <br />INANCIAL MPACTS <br />54 <br />The City of Roseville has, to date, spent $31,150 in project development costs. The BWSR grant <br />55 <br />has covered 75% of that cost, or $23,362, and the Stormwater Utility Fund has covered the <br />56 <br />remaining $7,788. <br />57 <br />SR <br />TAFF ECOMMENDATION <br />58 <br />Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached resolution rejecting bids for the <br />59 <br />Evergreen Stormwater Reuse Project. <br />60 <br />RCA <br />EQUESTED OUNCIL CTION <br />61 <br />Approve the resolution rejecting bids for the Evergreen Stormwater Reuse Prokect. <br />62 <br />Prepared by: Marc Culver, City Engineer <br />Attachments: A. Resolution <br /> B. Project Location Map <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />