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Last modified
3/19/2015 4:11:35 PM
Creation date
3/19/2015 4:09:03 PM
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Public Works Commission
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309 <br />Discussion ensued regarding roadway conditions and replacement of the materials <br />310 <br />after a dig by to avoid sink holes, with staff advising that the street department <br />311 <br />managed the paving, or hired a qualified contractor to do so at City standards for <br />312 <br />replacing it as it was before and for quality control. <br />313 <br />demarcation for new construction ownership at the property line. <br />314 <br />Member Cihacek asked how much costs for installation of cleanout valves would <br />315 <br />be and what the City's current policy was for making sure those were installed as <br />316 <br />part of any new construction. <br />317 <br />318 <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that staff would need to res& that cost, as it was not <br />319 <br />current policy to require them. <br />320 <br />321 <br />Mr. Culver noted that costs would also vary depending on how deep the sanitary <br />322 <br />line was. <br />323 <br />324 <br />Member Cihacek opined that it would be reasonable to review and consider <br />325 <br />exploring ownership up to the mains and cost of valves to determine the cost per <br />326 <br />connection. Member Cihacek advised that he would be interested in receiving a <br />327 <br />cost estimate to that extent up to a hypothetical property line, and a uniform <br />328 <br />demarcation for new construction ownership at the property line. <br />329 <br />330 Chair Stenlund expressed his preference for the City owning up to the property <br />331 line, whether those additional costs and maintenance fees were covered as <br />332 additional utility fees or through taxes. <br />333 <br />334 Member Seigler suggested a cap (e.g. $4,000) iNala ral has to be replaced, with <br />335 the City typically picking up the cost at that average cap, or a percentage of that, <br />336 if ntwding to be replaced for dereliction of maintenance by a property owner, <br />337(homeowners. <br />ey would be responsible for 100% of th ost. Under this scenario, Member <br />338 igler opined ownership would not change while not being overburdening for <br />339 <br />340 <br />341 At the request of MembeAGje ngen, Mr. Schwartz clarified the potential costs <br />342 for laterals with new construction projects: additional trenching under OSHA <br />343 safety requirements, testing of the main. Mr. Schwartz further clarified that, <br />344 during a major reconstruction project there may be various economies of scale, a <br />345 contractor typically installs services after the main is filled and pressure tested, <br />346 with the lateral trenches then dug and placed, noting that it wasn't just a simple <br />347 one-time installation process for water lines. Mr. Schwartz noted that sanitary <br />348 sewer mains and laterals were not as complicated, and can usually be done at the <br />349 same time the main is installed even though laterals are typically dug by <br />350 contractors after the fact. It is less expensive to perform this work at that point <br />351 versus after the road is paved with curb & gutter installed, and sod and trees <br />352 planted. <br />353 <br />Page 8 of 19 <br />
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