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Last modified
3/19/2015 4:11:35 PM
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3/19/2015 4:09:03 PM
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Public Works Commission
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354 At the request of Member Gjerdingen, Mr. Schwartz estimated the cost for new <br />355 construction of each of those laterals would be $2,000 to $3,000. <br />356 <br />357 Member Cihacek clarified that the issue to be considered by the PWETC for <br />358 recommendation was not so much new construction, which would typically be <br />359 under contractor liability; but the concern is how to address the majority of older <br />360 housing stock in Roseville needing infrastructure replacement and not covered by <br />361 insurance or other means, and how to address that versus new construction. <br />362 Member Cihacek opined that the City needed to be proactive moving forward to <br />363 allow it to have better access and control of mains laterals. <br />364 <br />365 Mr. Schwartz advised that when the City was heavily into the PMP in the 1980's <br />366 and 1990's, a fair number of residents took advantage of replacing their laterals <br />367 based on the great bid prices, with some of those homeowners paying as little as <br />368 $600 each to replace their laterals in the public rights-of-wa . <br />369 <br />370 Member Cihacek asked if property owners had any opportunity to learn what <br />371 condition their laterals were in and how to access information. <br />372 <br />373 Mr. Schwartz advised that the City maintaine se er/water cards from original <br />374 construction of houses (e.g. small drawings and sketchy information) and some of <br />375 the original as builts for mainlines has some minimal information on them. <br />376 However, given the variety of data sources and if and when they're available, Mr. <br />377 Schwartz noted that a full database for each property did not exist, especially the <br />378 older properties having 4" cast iron or 6" clay or other type material pipes, those <br />379 that were the most problematic. <br />380 <br />381 At the request of Member Cihacek, Mr.wartz advised that staff continued to <br />382 update their information as they workedSh homeowners who have replaced <br />383 their infrastructure. However, Mr. Schwartz noted that to get all the information <br />384 in one place for easy access from the field or at the office would prove to be a <br />385 monumental task given current staffing levels. <br />386 <br />387 Member Cihacek suggested some type of disclosure for those purchasing older <br />388 homes in Roseville that might provide an estimate of a potential future cost they <br />389 should be prepared for with those older pipes. <br />390 <br />391 Mr. Culver noted that, during more recent years when permitting was required for <br />392 replacement of water and/or sewer lines, if a homeowner or prospective <br />393 homeowner contacted the City's Building Department to seek that information, <br />394 they could access it and advise them when it was last replaced. <br />395 <br />396 Mr. Schwartz noted the water side provided more of a location, with varying sizes <br />397 and types of pipes. <br />398 <br />Page 9 of 19 <br />
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